Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Weight of the Word

Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

The burden has been resting upon my heart for months to put in book form the various messages of truth God has revealed to me through the study of the Word. I have not tried to follow any one subject, but have, on the contrary, covered many of the fundamental doctrines of the Bible. The messages contained in this book are those delivered by the writer at various camp meetings, conventions, over the radio, and in my home pulpit in Essex, Maryland. I have put them in print with the sincere desire that they may be a blessing to those who read them and, too, that they may enrich your life by becoming acquainted with the truth of God's Word. May the Holy Spirit of God accompany these pages to enlighten the heart and mind of the reader.

Your brother in Christ Jesus,

Harold Barber
4506 26th Ave. S.
Tampa, FL 33619

January 3,1949
Reprinted December, 1953
Reprinted December, 1978

This book printed originally by the Church of God, Essex, Maryland, for free distribution to those interested in the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. It is free for the asking. This work supported by free will offerings. Write the author for books.

Tracts of Truth Print Shop
P.O. Box 564
Knoxville, TN 37901
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

In Genesis 8:22 we read these words, "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." From the reading of this verse of scripture we readily see that in the creation of the world and setting of things in order God separated the light and darkness and called one day and the other night. He also separated the cold and heat and called one winter and the other summer, and in so doing he ordained the seedtime and harvest, or the seasons of the year. -These are laws divinely decreed and shall be in force as long as the world remaineth. Men of all generations and climes have worked in accordance with these laws. It is a law completely out of the control of man; and if he expects a harvest of wheat, rye or oats, he must work in harmony with these laws. He must. sow his wheat, rye, or oats in the seedtime and cultivate them in order to reap a harvest. He also expects to reap the same kind of harvest as the seed that was sowed. Men never expect to reap a good crop of corn, when they have planted wheat or reap wheat when they have planted corn. As the seed, so shall the harvest be.

God has not only ordained these laws to govern the natural world but has ordained certain laws similar to these to govern the moral world. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting" (Gal. 6:7-8). These words and laws are as firm and fixed as the laws governing the natural world. Men recognize that all the tinkering [Page 9] they do will not change the laws of nature; if they want corn, they must plant corn; if tey want wheat they mus plant wheat. Man recognizes that these laws are unalterable. Yet we have theologians who have excelled scholastically who are making it their lifetime work to tinker with the word of God and bring forth their decisions to offer mankind. But divine inspiration says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked.” Regardless of all the tinkering we may do, these words stand as the unchangeable law of God and shall stand as long as the world remaineth. If we sow to the flesh, we are going to reap corruption; if we sow to sin, we are going to reap the wages of sin, which is death; if we sow to the wind, we are going to reap the whirlwind.

To be convinced of the truth of the words we need only to look at the life of an individual who wastes his time in the pleasures of sin and a life of dissipation. Sin begins to pour out its wrath upon that individual, and life becomes almost intolerable, and the gruesome marks of sin are to be seen. We look at the world at large today as she rocks and reels under the stress and strain of the times. The misery and suffering of the world in the second great world war were a result of a quarter century of godless living. Nations poured out their fury upon nations, which came as a result of sinful living and a rejection of the principles and teachings of Jesus. Jesus speaks to his follower, and says, "Ye are, the salt of the earth..." Salt is a preservative power, so he expected his people to be a preservative power to leaven society. Were it not for the elevating influences of the righteous people of the earth the morals of the human family would deteriorate to the low level of brute beast. We read in the first chapter of Romans of some folk who did not like to retain God [Page 10] in their knowledge,so God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. Paul continues to speak of the debauchery into which they fell as the result of worshiping the creature more than the Creator. There is no limit to the depth of immorality and sinfulness to which we may sink without the Creator in our lives. Righteousness exalteth a nation, and it will also exalt the individual; but sin is a reproach o any people. Sin has made its inroads into human life, and we are reaping some of the harvest now.

When we disobey the laws and commands of God, we must assuredly reap the consequences of a broken law. Far too many people feel they can disregard the Bible and live a life of ease and pleasure and neglect and not reap the harvest of such a misspent life. The life we are now living, the deeds we are committing day by day are being rcorded against our name, and we must stand before God and give account of them all and reap the reward, whether good or bad.

Perhaps there are may sins committed that will not pour out their fury on the guilty one in this world but will in in the world to come. On the other hand, there are many will reap in this life full consequences of their sins. Not long go I read an exposition on this subject that set forth the idea that we can indulge in sin for years and then come to God and repent of them and be saved and escape the conseqences. Therefore we do not reap what we sow. This kind of reasoning is contradictory to the Bible. We cannot change the laws of God which govern the moral world and read thus: "Whatsoever a man. soweth, that shall he also reap," any more than we can change the, laws that govern the natural world.The sins committed before we find the Lord in their pardon [Page 11]


The Church of GodChurch of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

will also. be reaped in some form. We may not reap in a physical way, but we will intellectually, mentally or in some way, for man cannot indulge in sin without it., leaving its mark on him. Many individuals are ruining themselves physically by engaging in a life of sin and reaping the consequences of their sinfulness now, while others are suffering mentally as the result of it. Memory also punishes s because of some sinful deed committed years ago, even though those deeds are under the blood of Jesus. They are not imputed to us because we have repented and by faith we have received assurance of our pardon, yet the price must be paid; we must reap we sow. Sin does not pay. Every act of sin committed, every injustice and wrong done by men must be reaped. What a terrible harvest humanity must reap sometime, somewhere. Remember, the wages of sin is death, and sin is always prompt with its payment. As long as, the world remaineth, the season of the year will remain; there'll be seedtime and harvest. Likewise, the words of Paul will remain, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Therefore be very careful of the seed you sow, remembering the harvest you reap will be as the seed.

We all want to reap a good harvest so we may spend our lives sowing the good seed of righteousness. "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." The seedtime is here and may we be as diligent about the sowing as the farmer is about working the ground and getting it prepared and sowing good seed that he may reap a good harvest. He knows he must sow and cultivate if he reaps a good harvest. So may we realize today that we are sowing for eternity. Soon we must all lay down this life and depart this world to experience [Page 12] the realities of another. Then will we reap the harvest of this entire life, and the harvest will be as the seed. If you sow to the flesh, you must reap corruption, but if to the Spirit, you wil reap life everlasting. ÒBe not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.Ó


I want to read from the 22nd chapter of Matthew, beginning with the 34th verse, "But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the 1aw? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self. 0n these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David. He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool? If David then call him Lord, how is he his son? And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions" On this occasion we find the Pharisees and the Sadducees had been trying every way [Page 13] possible to entrap Jesus in his teachings to find cause whereby they might put him to death. Jesus had brought to silence the Sadducees, and word reached the Pharisees that this had happened, so they gathered together and one of them, being a lawyer, asked Jesus the question, "Which is the great commandment of the law?" Then Jesus asked them a question, "What think ye of Christ? Whose son is he?" It is this question that Jesus asked the Pharisees that I want to consider with you for a few minutes. "What think ye of Christ? whose son is he?" Throughout the Bible we find many, many questions, and they are all important, or else they would not be in the word of God. They are worthy of our consideration, but I believe this is one of the most important questions we find in the Bible, because a great deal hinges upon our answering this question correctly. What a man is and what a man does is largely due to his answer to this question. How he lives in this world and where he will spend eternity hinges greatly upon how he answers this question and of the action he takes as a result of what he thinks of Christ. The future of your life, dear friend, whether it be happiness or despair, is based largely upon your answer to this question. So if there is the least doubt in your heart or in your mind as to who Christ is, or as to the correct Bible answer to this question Jesus has asked, I would say the best thing for you to do is to take your Bible and go before God in prayer and search that Bible with an open heart and an open mind and decide for yourself concerning Christ, that he is the Son of the living God. Now Jesus asked his disciples a question, as recorded in Matthew 16:13. He said, "Whom do men t I the Son of man am?" They answered by saying, [Page 14] ÒSome say that thou art John the Baptist; some, Elias and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.Ó So, friends, by the answer of the disciples we find that public opinion was varied as to who Jesus was. And, of course. all those who thought he was John the Baptist had the privilege to think of him what they wanted to. Those who, thought he was Elias had the same privilege. Those who thought he was Jeremias had the same privilege. Every individual has the privilege to think of Christ want to think and answer this question the way they, choose to answer it. Nevertheless beloved, if we think of him wrongly or if we answer this (question wrongly, we will have to suffer the bitter consequences of an unbelief in Christ as the divine Son of God. There are some people today who say that Christ was a good man, and a virtuous man, but he was only a man, and he was not divine. Millions of people in the world today are of this same opinion; they think that Christ was merely a good man he was a virtuous man, but he was not the Son of God. Of course, everyone, I say again, has the privilege to think of Christ what they choose, but, I also repeat, that what we think of Christ and the action we take in regard to him will decide where we will spend eternity after we have departed from this world. Men and women cannot reasonably deny that Christ was a virtuous man. But neither does reason allow us to deny that Christ was the divine Son of God, because Nicodemus, in his conversation with Jesus, said, "We know that thou art a man sent of God, because no man could do the works that you do, except God be with him.' I'll say that no individual can be saved and think that Christ was merely a man. Wc are going to believe in the divinity of Christ, or we will [Page 15]


The Church of GodChurch of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

never reach the portals of heaven. We may think of him what we choose, but we cannot enter heaven with what-ever choice or whatever decision we make in regard to him. Some people even think that Christ is no more than Santa Claus. Some time ago I read the testimony of a minister of the gospel that was written in the newspaper, and this minister said that Christ was no more to him than Santa Claus. Beloved, when we profess to be servants of the most high God and profess to be worshipping him and make such statements as that, it isn't possible for us to have the love of God in our hearts and think that about Jesus. This, to me, is the height of heathenism; and all the worship that we may bestow upon the name of God the Father will mean nothing and will not be accepted by him we think that Christ is no more than Santa Claus. Other answers come to us from people, and some tell us that he was nothing more than a product of literature, an idealized character, a character whom the evangelists of his day idealized and lifted him up before the multitudes of the people; that he actually lived in Palestine, but was merely an idealized character by the evangelists. Then others would tell us that Christ is product of the peculiar condition of the age in which he lived, that he was a student of prophecy and he saw that the opportune time had come when he could claim be the Messiah; that he was a well-meaning man and meant to do good and he as a good natured man, but was merely a good natured imposter. And that in order the good that he desired to do, he must assume the of the Messiah. I say, beloved, it would take more for me to believe these things concerning Christ than it does for me to believe that he is the divine Son of [Page 16] God. As we read in the word of God the great and mighty works that he performed, the miraculous deeds that we done at his hand, we are made to bow our knees and humble our hearts and to say, "Thou art the Son of the living God." So, these opinions, we see, are all wrong. The world was wrong when Christ was on earth, and the world is still wrong in its opinions of Christ. Eternity depends, dear ones, on what you think of Christ. This is a very important question that we've read as a text. "What think ye of Christ?" Our salvation depends upon our answer to Christ as to who he is. It's impossible for us be a Christian and not to believe in the divine birth and not to believe in the divinity of Christ. I want to read two verses from John, the third chapter, verses 18 and 19, John said, "He that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness, rather than light, because their deeds were evil." Beloved, to be saved and to be a Christian, we must believe in the divine birth and the divinity of the Son of God. So, I would ask you a question just now, you who read these lines, "What do you think of Christ?" This very moment you are thinking about him your mind is dwelling upon this very question. I say that you must believe the divine Son of God in order to be a Christian; and intellectual belief is not sufficient. You may believe your mind, but in order to be saved, you must believe from the heart. God says, "Repent, and be baptized.Ó And when we fail to believe in Christ as the divine Son of God, we are denying God's report of him. Jesus came out of the river Jordan on the day he was baptized, and [Page 17] the heavens were opened; and there he saw the Holy Spirit descending in the form of a dove and lighting upon him and a voice from heaven said, "'This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." If we believe not that report and accept it not, we are denying the great God heaven and earth and there is no possible chance for us to be saved. May God help you today to think seriously upon this question, "What think ye of Christ?" May God help you to humble your heart just now and open your heart's door and receive him into your heart and life.[Page 18]


The Church of GodChurch of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

The title of this article are the words of our Lord while he was here on earth teaching men the way of righteousness. In the 6th chapter of Matthew he taught that it is impossible to serve two masters. We will either hate the one and love the other; or else we will hold to the one, and despise the other. He also taught the importance of spiritual things above that of the material and uttered the words of our subject, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God....Ó It is absurd to think Jesus taught the folk in that day and also today to seek something that did not exist. The fact that he taught us to seek the kingdom God above or before material things is concrete proof that it exists, even though religious teachers tell us it hasn't been set up yet. If the kingdom of God hasn't been set up, then God offers us nothing better than ancient Israel experienced, which was only the shadow of good things to come. They looked forward with great anticipation to the day when the kingdom would be set up and [Page 22] they would enjoy its realities. Of course, they were expecting a literal kingdom; and when Jesus came and set, up a spiritual one, they failed to see it and enter into it just as many religiously minded people are doing today. The majority of religious movements are looking forward to a day which they call the millennium, when the kingdom of God will be established, but to their sad disappointment it will be delivered up to the Father instead of being set up (I Cor. 15:24). Jesus was not an impostor. He did not teach us to seek something that didnÕt, exist. "The law and the prophets were until John: since, that time the kingdom of God is preached, and ever man presseth into it" (Luke 16:16).

We go back to Daniel, chapter 2, and read of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had one night. All the magicians, astrologers and sorcerers were called in before the king to interpret the dream. When ask to tell the dream, the king declared it had gone from him and demanded the astrologers to tell it and also interpret it. Their failure to do so caused the king to send out decree to kill all the wise men of Babylon. This decree included Daniel and his fellows, but Daniel pleaded for a little time. It was granted. He went to his house and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azaariah, his companions. They had a prayer meeting and asked God to reveal the dream and the interpretation which thing he did. Then Daniel appeared before the king with the dream and the interpretation. This is it. "Thou sawest a great image, whose brightness was excellent, that stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. The image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his [Page 23] legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them; and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth" (Daniel 2:31-35). In Daniel's interpretation of the dream he declared that Nebuchadnezzar, or the Babylonian kingdom, was the head of gold. ÒAfter thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee," and another third king and still another fourth kingdom. "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed...Ó (Verse 44). So this dream of the Babylonian king was a vision of things that would come to pass in later days.

This head of gold represents the Babylonian kingdom, as Daniel said, that was begun in B. C. 2233, and ended in the death of Belshazzar in B. C. 538. The breast and arms were of silver, representing the Medo-Persian empire that came to power by the termination of the Babylonian in B. C. 538. The belly and thighs were of the brass, representing Grecian empire as founded by Alexander the Great. He subdued Darius Codomanus in B. C. 331 and thus terminated the Persian monarchy. His legs of iron and his feet part of iron and part of clay represent the Roman empire which followed the Grecian in point of time. According to the dream, it was while these four kings or kingdoms were in existence that the God of heaven was to set up a kingdom which would [Page 24] never be destroyed, but would break in pieces these kingdoms. Rome, the fourth kingdom, represented by the legs of iron, and feet part of iron, and part of clay, was at the summit of her power when Jesus appeared on the stage of time. He was born in Bethlehem during the reign of the Caesars.

In the dream Òthe king sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and break them to piecesÓ. This stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands represents the kingdom of God, a universal kingdom, It was in the days of these kingdoms mentioned in the dream that Jesus of Nazareth came preaching the gospel o the kingdom of God, and saying, " The time is fulfilled; and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel" (Mark 1: 14-15) - Jesus preached "the time is fulfilled" and according to the vision of Nebuchadnezzar as interpreted by Daniel, it also was fulfilled. How then can Bible expositors be so blind as to teach the kingdom of God a future reality? Thank God, it was established by Jesus during his earthly ministry and is a present reality.

While ancient Rome was at the peak of her power, reveling in her riches and splendor, Jesus of Nazareth gathered a few fishermen from the ways of sin and wen 'out to preach the gospel of salvation from sin. He plane planted the seed of righteousness in the hearts of those who, followed him during his earthly ministry and before he went to the cross, Rome felt the first blow of the hammer of the gospel. After his crucifixion and ascension he sent the Holy Spirit to his followers on the day of Pentecost that only gave more power and accuracy to the preaching [Page 25] of the gospel, which in its very nature was directed at the foundation of these earthly kingdoms, or at the feet of the image. As the early church went out preaching, "Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," multitudes turned from sin and accepted Jesus into their hearts, thus becoming members of the kingdom of God. Under the incessant blows of the gospel hammer Pagan Rome soon crumbled and went to pieces about the year A. D. 476. Thus the image was broken to pieces by the stone cut out of the mountain without hands and became as chaff of the summer threshing floor which is scattered by the wind. Christianity became a universal kingdom and ever shall be. The gospel of Jesus is a universal one and beckon men of every race, color, and clime.

The preaching of Jesus was centered around this theme, repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. As men turned from sin and repented before God, they were delivered from condemnation and its power, and were translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the, kingdom of light. The kingdom of God cometh not b@ observation (Luke 17:20), neither is it meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom. 14:17). When a soul forsakes sin and repents before God, he is born of the Spirit and becomes a member of the kingdom of God. Jesus is then his king, an lie is reigning with him in this life, reigning above sin, and the power of Satan.

"For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ" (Rom- 5:17). The kingdom, of God is a spiritual kingdom wherein Jesus reigns (governs as king) in the heart and life of those who are truly [Page 26] born of God. It is the government of heaven ruling lives, Jesus as king, and we the subjects of his kingdom. Praise God! I'm so glad it is a present reality and we can be the subjects of that kingdom and have the king of glory reigning in our hearts in this life. With Jesus in our hearts we go out to walk the pathway of life, trampling sin under our feet by the grace of God given us from above. Jesus said: "I'll give you power over all the power of the enemy." 'This is the power we need to conquer sin and live godly in Christ Jesus. [Page 27] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

The heart's desire of every true Christian is that they may so live that when they stand before God in the judgment they will hear his ÒWell done, thou good and faithful servant.Ó. This, to me, is the ultimate goal of every Christian life, and everything in life should contribute to it. If after we have lived our allotted time in this world we should miss the approbation of the Lord on that last day, we have made a complete failure in life and have missed it all. Therefore, we should earnestly contend for those things which build faith in God and will strengthen our ability to trust in God. If we are to gain the "well done" of the Lord on that great and notable day there are some things, some spirits, and some people we are going to have to resist. Even though it is very unpleasant to resist some people, and very hard to resist some spirits and some things, it must be done to gain heaven. I am aware, too, of the fact that to resist things and some people we are going to gain the [Page 27] disapproval of the world and of many close friends. B remember the words of Jesus, "If ye were of the world the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." So, dear Christian, you are not going to have the smile and friendship of the world and also the approval of the Lord. Make your choice which you desire, and if it be for God's approval, then set out to gain it, regardless of the cost.

The philosophy of life which most people accept as right is the one that admits of all men's opinions, ideas, desires, and grants them the privilege to think and do and say what they please without any objections whatsoever. This philosophy would say: "Don't be a complainer, donÕt be a complainer, donÕt be a fault-finder, don't be a critic, don't object to the things others are doing, but just fall in with the great masses and go with the crowd." That's the kind of individual the world admires; that's the kind of preacher world admires, the one who will fit into the pattern of things without any objection, the preacher who can stand behind the sacred desk and orate for thirty minutes using beautiful words but never objecting to anything be going on in the universe. Truly this is the easiest philosophy of life to follow while in this world, but woe unto that individual when he reaches the end of the way and must meet God. Jesus said, "Woe unto you, when all men speak well of you." It's far better to have God smile upon you than to have that of all men on the earth. There are still other philosophies of life—men have ways and philosophies of life and God also has his way and his philosophy of life. The decision rests in our hands as to which way we shall follow, but to the genuine [Page 28] Christian God's way is the only way even though it does gain the scorn and ridicule of the world.

At this point I would like you to stop reading this article long enough to get your Bible and read a few verses from Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus. Please read the 6th chapter, verses l0 to 18. The thought contained in these few verses is that the Christian is a soldier an must fight. Being a soldier in battle, it is of necessity that he have an armor to protect himself, which armor God supplies. We are exhorted to put on the whole armor of God that we might be able to stand, and having done all, to stand. The spiritual application to this exhortation is that we should be saved from sin, and subsequent to that experience of conversion we should sanctified by the infilling of the Holy Ghost. This, beloved, is the only way we will be able to repel the enemy of our soul. He will come against us with all the force and power he has; and if we're not anchored in Jesus, we will be carried away by that force. In the 12th verse Paul says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Ó Who would dispute these words of the apostle when he says we wrestle against these forces of wickedness? The Christian life is a life of continual wrestling against the forces of evil that would destroy every vestige of purity and righteousness. It is a life of resistance. WebsterÕs dictionary says the word wrestle means: to struggle for the mastery; to grapple with a person or things. He defines resistance as meaning: to repel; to exert oneself to counteract; to withstand the action of. In the light these definitions we are convinced from life's experiences [Page 29] that Paul used the right word when he said we wrestle against certain things. How many times have we experienced the surging powers of evil sweeping against our souls, and if it were not for the mighty hand of God and the bulwarks of the Spirit we would be swept from our moorings. "When the enemy shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.Ó ( Isa. 59:19). Praise God for the privilege of having the indwelling Spirit of God to help us exert ourselves to counteract the enemy. We must repel him; we must grapple with him; we must withstand the action of Satan or lose our soul. He has only one thing in view; that is the destruction of the human soul. Regardless of how subtle, he may approach you, or how innocent he may seem when he approaches, he comes for one purpose only to destroy. And for you, dear Christian, to fail to resist is to become subject to his power and be destroyed by him. Failure to resist this great enemy is the cause of the world's chaotic condition today. Mankind in general failed to resist the forces of evil and has been made slaves by it. The principles and teachings of Jesus have been set aside for an easier way which leads to chaos and ruin physically and morally. It demands the best in an individual plus the Spirit of God in the heart to follow in the, footsteps of Jesus. And each step you follow will be contested by Satan, but thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. You will not be able to overcome the power of Satan within yourself but God has promised grace sufficient for the day. Paul says, "Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." "Not by power nor might, but by my Spirit saith the Lord." There is victory in Jesus for every soul [Page 30] that will accept him in his fullness and resist the powers of hell and darkness.

Satan approaches as a roaring lion. He presents things for us to do that we know are evil, wrong, and we know we should not do them. Sometimes it is easy for us to say ÒNoÓ, and sometimes it is hard. But whether easy or hard we must say ÒNoÓ. Here is when we must resist. If the presentation of the thing becomes a real temptation, then ofttimes we must call repeatedly for reinforcements from heaven to help us resist. We must exert ourselves to counteract the temptation. After resisting for some time we feel we can't hold out any longer, but just remember the lord has promised not to let us be tempted above that which we are able to bear, but will make a way of escape that we may be able to bear it. Regardless of how severe the battle may be, or how long it may be, just continue to resist, and God will bring you out with victory.

If Satan fails in his attempts to get you to go out into sinful things, he will approach you in some other manner. His tactics are not always the same. Remember, he desires, to have you that he may sift you as wheat, and he'll never give up until he gets you or you enter heaven. The Christian battle is one that lasts until we reach the end of life's way and depart to be with the Lord, so never weary in well doing, just buckle on the whole armor of God and fight the good fight of faith. After failing in his attempts to get you into sin, he may present things that are impure and ungodly for you to think about. If he can capture your thinking, he will soon have you in his clutches. Right thinking leads to right living, and wrong thinking leads to wrong living. We need to guard our thoughts. The mind [Page 31] is a very fertile field in which Satan can work and finally lead a soul away from God or into confusion, causing them to doubt their experience with God, even though they have not sinned openly. "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind..." (I Peter 1: 13) - In this verse of scripture Peter means we should brace up our mind. Be careful how we use our mind. Many of us have experienced the attacks of Satan on the mind. If he can't get you to do something wrong, he'll try to get you to think something wrong. Our thoughts may trail along in loose disorder and cause us untold agonies. We cannot afford to be slothful in our thinking any more than in our business or, conduct of life. This is a frivolous and light hearted age when so many folk think to be sober minded means to be gloomy and sullen. But not so, dear one, we need not take on a long face to be sober or grave; a smile will still be in order. Nevertheless, we should exercise the strictest control over the mind. How often have you sat down to study the Word of God and become enveloped in your reading when suddenly something deflects your thinking to some other channel? It seems your mind immediately runs off on a side track thoughts—that should not be there are there, and you have to resist them and discard them. Sin becomes sin in God's sight long before it reaches the conduct of life. It have its seed in some idle thoughts of the mind that should have been resisted, but instead were harbored until they brought disaster and defeat to the spiritual man through doubting confusion. Oh God! help us to realize we must resist Satan in our thinking as much as in our living. Paul says, "I keep under my body and bring it into subjection." [Page 32] I believe we should guard our thinking against the wiles of the devil and bring it into subjection too. Again I quote Paul when he says our "weapons are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. You are the master of your mind; you can control the thoughts of your mind if you will guard them, but if not, Satan will fill it with thoughts which will in time lead to spiritual disaster. Many souls are led into confusion and finally into sin because they failed to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Be on your guard, Christian, watch for the approach of Satan in this manner and receive the exhortation of Paul, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." [Page 33] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


In I Peter 2:9 we read, "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." Peter addressed these words to scattered Christians of his day and also of our day. If he were here to speak to us today, Ie would bear the same message. He declares we are a chosen generation, a generation of people who have been [Page 33] called of God, called out of sin to walk with him in this present world. "A royal priesthood." Yes, thank God, we have been washed from our sins in his own blood and have become kings and priests unto God and his Father (Rev.1: 5-6). The world may look upon Christian people as the off scouring of the earth, a narrow-minded people who are deprived of the pleasures of life, but, thank God, we are drinking of the river of pleasure that flows from the throne of God and are kings and priests unto God. "An holy nation, a peculiar people." In this verse Peter pictures a wonderful throng of people who have been chosen of God to live holy before him in this world and to be robed in white garments and rejoice around the white throne in heaven after this life is over, a throne of which the world is not worthy.

He declares this chosen generation shall be a peculiar people. This is a part of the teaching of God's word that so many people resent. If they could be a Christian and be as the multitudes of earth, live as they live, act as they act, they would gladly be a Christian. But there is something about being a Christian that makes an individual or group peculiar; and when this peculiarity is absent, God is absent. The Lord spoke through Moses to Israel long ago and said, "Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed , and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar people treasure unto me above all people." God's people have always been a peculiar people; and as long as they obey his voice and keep his covenant, they will always be peculiar. In Titus 2:13-l4 we read, "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our savior Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself [Page 34] a peculiar people, zealous of good works." So in this gospel dispensation as well as back under the law God's people are peculiar.

The word peculiar has several meanings. First, it means that we are the purchased possession of Jesus Christ. Through his precious blood we have been redeemed or brought back from sin's bondage and are the private property of Jesus. And being purchased by the blood of Jesus also means we are peculiar in that we are different from the usual. We no longer live according to the lust of the flesh, doing those things which are unseemly. The old life has passed away and all things are become new. No longer are we seeking pleasure in the things of this world. The moving picture theatres, the dance halls, the crowd that drinks their liquor and carouses around in the sinful things no longer attract us. We've lost our desire for those things, and now we're looking for the children of God that we might unite in prayer and worship to God. Praise God for the transforming, regenerating, life-giving power of the blood of Jesus. Peter said the folk will think it strange that you run not to the same excess of riot, lasciviousness, and reveling, and banquetings, and will speak evil of you. They can't understand what has happened that you don't like to do these things any more. They'll ask, "Where do you get any pleasure? You don't do this, and you don't do that; how do you live such a life?" Beloved, this is just a part of the peculiarity of those who have come in contact with Jesus of Nazareth and have tasted of the river of life. The Christian is eating and drinking things the world knows nothing about, if so be they are feeding at God's table. Praise God! I'm glad I'm peculiar in this respect. Since I found [Page 35] in my heart, the things of this world have faded into oblivion, and I'm, drinking at a fountain that never shall run dry. With joy IÕm drawing water from the wells of salvation. Yes, this is just part of the peculiarity of the saints.

The word peculiar also means characteristic of one only. The seed of holiness is to determine the one. ItÕs the seed of holiness that has characterized the people of God all along the way. Even before the foundation of the world, God ordained his people should be holy (Eph. 1:4). Holiness of heart and life will be the thing that will characterize the people of God on the day of judgment as well as in this life. In this modern age of lukewarmness many folk, who at one time believed in holiness of heart and walked holy before God, seem to think that was a fogy idea and now have apostatized and fail to live holy and fail to advocate the doctrine. LetÕs look at ancient Israel at the time Isaiah wrote his book. The condition of Israel was deplorable. She was in a backslidden condition, the whole head was sick and the heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head was no soundness in it. She needed someone to cry out against her sins and turn her back to God. In the 6th chapter Isaiah received a vision of the thrice holy God seated upon a throne. As he looked upon this scene, he realized he was undone before God, and instantly one the seraphim flew unto him and touched his mouth with a live coal from off the altar, and he was cleansed. Then he heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom, shall I send, and who will go for us? Immediately he volunteered. The message he was to deliver to Israel was this, "Go and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but [Page 36] understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and convert and be healed." Isaiah, said, "Lord, how long? How long shall the people be dull of seeing, hearing, and understanding?" "Until the cities be wasted without habitation, and the houses without man, and the land utterly desolate." Then in verse 13 he said, "But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof." It is evident from this reading, what is going to happen. God is going to pour out judgment upon Israel for her sins, and from this purging process a remnant will come, and holiness will be the substance thereof, or real nature. The teaching here is that the holy seed will characterize the remnant. This has been true all back through the ages. Many folk have professed to be God's children, but the seed of holiness or holy living will be the only thing that will constitute them as the children of God. The Hebrew people of Jesus' day thought because they were of the chosen race they were inheritors of the kingdom of God regardless of their personal status in relation to sin. Jesus was teaching some of the believing Jews and told them if they would continue in his word they would be his disciples indeed; and they would know the truth and the truth would make them free. They answered, "We be AbrahamÕs seed and were never in bondage to any man.Ó The Jews were a people laden with iniquity, yet they felt they were God's people while rejecting his Son and continuing [Page 37] in sin because they came of the seed of Abraham.

Today we have a generation of people laden with iniquity yet making a profession of godliness. The great percentage of folk today claim to be Christian but one at the wickedness in our land and one asks, "Where Christians?" We are living in the evening of the gospel day when the pure gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached under the anointing of the Holy Ghost and as it is being preached, it is judging the world. Men are accepting it or rejecting it; and as they make their decision, they are being judged by it. Little does our profession to if we fail to live according to God's word. Through this process of judgment, or the preaching of the pure gospel, the lord is preparing a people for himself, and the seed of holiness will characterize the one, or the remnant. Only a small remnant of the so-called Christian world will come through this judgment of the preaching of God's word, and those who do come will be purged and purified and live holy lives and will constitute the bride of Christ when he appears the second time to receive her and present her to the Fattier. True enough, the doctrine of holy living, one of the peculiarities of the children of God, is very unpopular in the world. Men love darkness better than light. They love the cesspools iniquity more than the glories of serving the true and living God. Nevertheless, without holiness, no man shall see the Lord. If we are to be the children of God we must be peculiar in that we live holy lives, which means Christ-like living—living that is, separated from sinful things of this world, clinging to that which is pure and clean and upright. Are you peculiar? Are you [Page 38] living as God tells you to live? Will you be among the white robed throng in heaven? If you expect to be, you must live holy before the Lord in this present evil world. Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


I want to read a few verses of scripture from the eleventh chapter Hebrews beginning with verse 24, reading through verse 27. "By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible." I want to call your attention in particular to the last statement in the 26th verse, "He had respect unto the recompense of the reward. I am persuaded to believe today that if more people would have respect unto the recompense of the reward in the future we would have a far better world to live in today. We are most all acquainted with the story of Moses when he was a baby, how his mother hid him for three months from the king and then after three months placed him in an ark of bulrushes and set him adrift in the river PharaohÕs daughter came strolling along the river and found this ark and the little babe; she decided immediately adopt this little boy as her own child, and for a nurse she hired Moses own mother, under her teachings, under the influence of her prayers, and during [Page 39] that period of time Moses' mother instilled the teachings of her God into the heart of her boy. She instilled the teachings so deep into his heart that when he came years and to the age of accountability, to a time when a decision must be made for God or against God, the, teachings were the things that held Moses in the path of rectitude at that time. The first thing I want you notice in the lesson that I have read to you is the fact that Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. The treasures and the riches of Egypt could not buy Moses; there was something deeper in the heart of Moses something of such value that had been instilled in his heart by his mother that all the pleasures of sin, the riches of Egypt and even adoption into the royal family didnÕt mean anything to Moses. He chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God and to esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches than all the pleasures and all the treasures that Egypt could afford him. I can imagine Moses as he walked out one day and at the end of the King's palace looked down across the plains of Egypt an he saw a little city of tents. In those tents lived his own, kindred and his own people, slaves to the nation in which he lived in the palace of the King. As he stood looking out over that scene of those little humble tents, there was, something down deep in his heart that got hold of Moses and he began to think of his own kindred and his own people under bondage. He living in, the palace and his people living in tents. As he looked over that scene, I can imagine the tears began to trickle down his cheeks; an he began to ponder in his own mind as to what decision he would make. Moses stood at the fork of the road; he stood there face to face with a decision for or against God [Page 40] He had to go with God and his people or against God and his people. After pondering the question in his mind, he turned and walked back into the palace. As he crossed, the threshold of the door, he made a decision down in his heart that "I would rather live in tents with my own people; I would rather suffer affliction with the people God; I'd rather live among my own people than to have all that Egypt can offer me." He made that decision as he thought of his mother's prayers and his mother's teachings. Then it was that mother reaped her reward when her son made his decision for God and for the things of God. Why did Moses make such a decision? Why was it that the pleasures of sin could not influence Moses more than they did? In the eyes of the world Moses made fool's choice, but he was not choosing for time: he was choosing for eternity. Sense chooses in the light of the present, but faith chooses in the light eternity. The text that I read to you answers the question as to why Moses esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the pleasures of sin. And that question is answered in this 26th verse, "For he had respect unto the recompense of the reward." Moses saw the end of both lives, and he chose rather to serve God and to suffer the reproach of Christ than to revel on in sin. Beloved, as we ponder this question in our minds today, I ask you now to think along with Moses. Not only, did Moses make this decision, but you are facing the same decision Moses did. Perhaps some of you have already made that decision; others will face it in the future; perhaps some of you right now are thinking about the hereafter and about the end of your life if you continue to live just as you are living right now. Moses [Page 41] looked out to the end of the way, and he saw it would be far better to serve God and to suffer with GodÕs children than to live on in sin. You are on the auction block today friend; the devil is bidding high for your soul; he is bidding high for your life. Life stretches itself out before us today. Satan offers you many pleasures; he entice your soul to follow in the paths of sin and to revel on the paths of ungodliness, and he promises you many things, beloved, but may I say to you today that nothing he offers is as precious as your eternity-bound soul. Yes, you look out upon life today; it promises you many things. Satan promises you a high social standing in your community if you will just follow in line with his crowd and go along with the crowd. But you know, when Moses made a decision, he stepped from the highest social position in that nation down to the very lowest position in that nation; it was a great step for Moses to make, but he saw the reward that lies in the future for every soul. In the world today social position isn't something to be scoffed at. Millions are selling their souls for a little social prestige today; men and women are giving up their hopes of eternity, turning away from God and away from the gospel just to have someone speak good words about them in the community, just to have someone pat them on the back. But, beloved, it will not amount to very much on the day of judgment, what men may think of you. What men may say about you will not amount to a thing on the day of judgment. On that day it will be, what does my Lord think of me, and how did I live back in yonder world? As you ponder this question in your mind, friend, I ask you to think seriously today. I would to God I could persuade you to make the same [Page 42] decision Moses made. There are many pleasures in sin. I wouldnÕt deny that, because the Bible says there are pleasures in sin. I want to read a verse of scripture found in 2nd Peter 2:13. Peter is talking about folk who are desirous of incessant pleasure and he says in that verse, Ò And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings...Ó Beloved if you are living sin and you feel that you are enjoying life to its fullest, you are only deceiving yourself as you live on in sin. And if you desire everlasting pleasure, if you desire peace down in your heart, there is one way and one place you can find it, that is at the foot of the old rugged cross. So turn your heart to the Lord, turn away from sin. I would like to plead with you to turn your heart and life to Jesus. Make the same decision Moses made; yield your all to Christ just now. May God bless you. Won't you turn from your sin just now, friends, make that decision? Oh, if you could just realize and visualize just now the great judgment day when you stand before God and give account of your life. Will you humble your heart just now and pour your soul out to the Lord? [Page 43] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


In John 5: 24 we read these words, ÒVerily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.Ó In this statement of Jesus our minds are directed [Page 43] the subject of a resurrection. He mentions two states in which we may be found while living in this world: the state of death and the state of life. Of course, we an understand these words as spiritual and not literal. In I Tim. 5: 6 Paul is speaking of a person that lives in pleasure as dead while he lives. The person who lives the pleasures of sin is dead spiritually while he lives physically. Likewise, Jesus in the words of our text is speaking of death spiritually and coming to life spiritual. Also he speaks of the passage from the state of death to the state of life. We understand that conversion is the emigration of a soul from death into life spiritually, Webster gives the definition of resurrection as a restoration to life; a coming to life; therefore Jesus is teaching resurrection in a spiritual sense. When one passes from death unto life he has been resurrected. Jesus said, "He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." This is a resurrection, to believe on Jesus and accept him into our heart and life; but it is a spiritual resurrection and not a literal one, and also is the first one. We have many false prophets over the country today preaching two resurrections and placing both of them in the future and both literal ones. Jesus says in verse 25 of the same chapter of John, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and NOW IS (at the time he was speaking when the dead (spiritually) shall hear the voice of Son of God: and they that hear shall live." During the earthly ministry of Jesus many who were dead in trespasses and sin heard the voice of Jesus as he preached, Repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" and [Page 44] as many as obeyed him to them gave he power to become the sons of God, and they were resurrected from a dead state in sin to a live state in righteousness. This is the first resurrection. The second and general resurrection will take place at the second coming of Jesus. In John 5:28 in these words, he speaks of the general resurrection in these words, "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming in the which ALL THAT ARE IN THE GRAVES shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." Here Jesus pictures most beautifully the two resurrections. The first , a spiritual resurrection in which we are born of the Spirit of God at conversion, and the second a literal resurrection at the second coming of Jesus when all mankind will come forth from the graves to stand before God in judgment for the deeds of this life.

It's the first resurrection that is of vast importance to the human family. We take part in the first resurrection by matter of choice and decision to follow Jesus and a strict obedience to his word, and it's the first resurrection that makes men blessed and holy, and without holiness no man shall see the Lord. (Rev. 20:6 and Heb. 12:14). Therefore, only those who have part in the first resurrection will meet Jesus in peace and will be accepted into heaven. All men come into the world with the principle of sin in their nature and are under the curse of sin and spiritual death. "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (Romans 5:12). Back in the garden of Eden Adam transgressed the law of God, and the penalty of sin, which is death, [Page 45] was meted out to the human family as a result of it transmitted the seed of sin to his offspring; he propagated his own likeness with the rudiments of his nature and moral likeness in them. Adam and Eve were the only two who were made or came into the world in the image of God their Creator. When they transgressed the law of God, that image of God was marred by their disobedience, and all mankind comes into the world with that image marred as a result of AdamÕs transgression. Notice in Gen- 5:3 we are told, "Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in likeness, after his image; and called his name SethÓ Seth and likewise all of Adam's offspring, came into the world in the image of fallen Adam and not in the moral image of God, which is pure and holy. Sin, left its mark on the moral character of all mankind David says, "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin my mother conceive me." By divinely ordained relation to Adam all mankind has become involved in the consequences of his sin and God looks upon all mankind as dead in trespasses and sin until they have come and repented and been "born again," which is the resurrection. The sinner comes to God in a state of spiritual death; he comes forsaking and repenting of sin and God has mercy on him and saves him through faith in the precious blood of Jesus. He immediately comes to life spiritually, being born of God, and this could be called nothing but a resurrection.

ItÕs this first resurrection, a spiritual one, that folk need to have a part in that they might be ready to meet Jesus when he comes again to receive his bride. If more people in the religious world had had part in this resurrection, [Page 46] we wouldn't have so much cold, dead, formal religion. People who have had part in this resurrection have come to grips with God and have forsaken sin repented of it and been made alive spiritually. They are dead to sin and the things of this world, and are alive to things pertaining to godliness and righteous living. Paul says in Co. 3:1, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.Ó To be risen with Christ means we have repented and been "born again" and are seeking those things which are above. WeÕre not interested so much in the affairs of this world but are continually seeking a closer walk with God that we might become more intimately acquainted with him. We have similar experiences as the travelers on the Emmaus road on the first Easter morning. They walked along with Jesus and knew it not until they arrived home, and he, after much persuasion, entered in and returned thanks at the table and then made himself known to them, and they said, "Did not our hearts burn within us , while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?" As we live from day to day we too can walk and talk with Jesus. He will open to us the scriptures and will show is things the ordinary individual cannot see; truly our hearts will burn within us if we have been resurrected to life in Christ.

Referring again to Rev. 20:6 John says, "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power." This resurrection makes men blessed and holy. Has your life been blessed and hallowed by the coming of Jesus into your heart an life? He'll deliver you from the bondage of sin and put [Page 47] a halo of glory around your soul, filling it with love divine, if you'll forsake sin and formalism and coldness and repent and be "born again." He also will give you grace to walk the highway of holiness with him. When men have part in this first resurrection they cease to sin and are made holy through the blood of Jesus. They become partakers of the holiness of God through faith in his Son and walk circumspectly and holy before the world, They are risen with Christ; therefore, they are seeking those things which are above. The cheap, gaudy pleasures of sin have no more appeal to them, for they are risen to walk in newness of life. Through the regenerating transforming power of God, the mind is renewed; the heart is completely changed, and this inward renewal will produce the outward transformation; and when we see folk professing to be God's children yet hankering after the things of the world, we are made to realize the inward work hasn't been done yet. They need to go to the fountain of life and plunge in and be made whole. They need to have part in the first resurrection, which produces blessed and holy people.

Jesus says in our text, "He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." To hear the gospel preached and the Spirit of God calling and obey them both from the depths of your heart is to be Òborn againÓ and have part in the first resurrection. Only those people who have had part in the first resurrection will be admitted into heaven; rection, [Page 48] only those who have been born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. Only twice born individuals will enjoy the bliss of eternal glory. Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

I've felt the burden of this message for some time. Its the burden of my heart and along the line I shall preach is one of the greatest, most important truth's that all of the children of God should have a vision of. I want to read two verses of scripture to start with. The first one is found in the 14th chapter of Luke, the 26th verse, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Then over in Rev. 12:11, another scripture, "And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death". Now looking back to the scripture in Luke 14:26, Jesus there plainly set forth teachings concerning our discipleship, concerning us as followers of the Lord. He placed before our minds the requirements of being his disciple. He said, If any man come unto me and hate not. I want you to get those positive words of Jesus. If any man come unto me and hate not his father and his mother and his children, his brethren, his sisters, yea, and also his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Now, beloved, I want you to bear in mind that those are the requirements of discipleship today as much as when Jesus was here on earth. He did not set these in the [Page 49] Bible and say they are optional, but they are requirements for you and me to be disciples of Jesus. We have to put everybody and everything second to Christ or we'll get nowhere in the kingdom of God. Unless we love him supremely, unless we love him above everybody in the world, we'll never have that real sound experience that we long for in our hearts. I'm so glad that when we turn loose of everything, say good-bye to sin and good-bye to friends and relatives and everybody, the Lord will really bless our hearts with a real experience of salvation.

Now Rev. 12: 11 tells us they overcame him. "They" in this scripture refers to the saints of God. "Him" refers the dragon, enemy of the saints of God, and the preceding verses of this chapter tell us about a war that went on in heaven, not in the eternal heavens where God wells but the spiritual heaven and where Michael and his angels fought, and the dragon we are told was cast out, and his place was found no more in heaven; and the eleventh verse it says that the saints overcame him with the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death. Three points there in that verse give us a view into the real success of a true child of God. "Their success and their victory over the dragon and enemy of their souls was based upon those three things. And, beloved if we overcome Satan and sin, we will do it by the blood of the Lamb. There will be no other way we can do it, only by the power that is in the blood of Jesus our Savior. Also we will overcome by the word of our testimony. When we try to conceal the love of God in our hearts and fail to hand it out to the world it will become stagnant and will be no more in our hearts. Then, Dear ones, the [Page 50] Bible says they loved not their lives to the death. TheyÕd rather give up their lives than to give up Jesus. Do you love him that well? Do you love Christ and his work so much that you'll just lay on the chopping block and say, ÒTake it, I'll not recant; I'll not give up Jesus. You can take my life but just leave me in the hands of God?Ó Can you say that? I'm glad this afternoon I've made that decision in my heart. As I've often said, I've gone to far to turn back, and I'm afraid to do anything but just trust God, and I mean that. I'm afraid not to trust God. Too many bridges have been burned behind me. If IÕd turn back, I wouldn't know which way to go. So the only thing I know to do is to just keep my hand in God's and just keep plowing through the forces of evil. Now if individuals are not to the place where we love the Lord that much, we are not where we ought to be. If we havenÕt placed Jesus uppermost in our affections, in love, in our lives, in our all, we are not where God wants us to be. We're just a little below that standard that God wants us to live by, and that is, that he has first place in our hearts and in our lives. Unless we can truthfully say with John the beloved that our fellowship is with God the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ, weÕre not in tune. Oh, when we are in constant touch with God and with the spiritual dynamo in heaven, when we attached to it just right, then the Christian life is drab, uninteresting life. But, friends, if you have nothing but a profession as you go along in life, it will be a drudgery for you to try to serve God. It will be an uninteresting life; it will be a monotonous life, the commandments of his word will be very grievous for you to bear, but when youÕre hooked up with heaven just right, [Page 51] it is not grievous to be borne. Praise God for his word! Then we can have fellowship with him and his Son Jesus Christ.

Now the word of God plainly teaches us that we should have on the whole armor of God; and when we begin to think about having on the whole armor, we begin to think about fighting. I want to say, dear friends, if you aren't clad in the whole armor of God and if you don't have it fixed in your mind to fight your way through, you shall never see the pearly gates of heaven; because every step you take in the kingdom of God and the work God through the coming years is going to be in bitter opposition to the forces of evil. They are arraying themselves all about in this big world to stamp out real Christianity and to do away with the old-time minority that believes in old-time religion. But thank God, the word, tells us the gates of hell shall not prevail against GodÕs church. Brother, we might just as well buckle on the whole armor and resolve in our hearts ÒLord, we will go through if it takes the heads from our shoulders.Ó Yes we have a song that says, "God leads his children along, some through green pastures, some through shady place some through the water and some he leads through the fire. I want to say God leads us through suffering too. Oh, wouldn't it be nice, as Bro. Calloway said, to stick, up your finger and say, "Mark me down for a robe and a crown"? Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't it be nice to say, "Lord, I'm coming," and then just go as we please? Let's not look for an easy way. Let's not expect an easy way. if it were an easy way God wouldn't have provided any armor; you surely would not need it. But since he has provided armor and exhorted through his apostles for [Page 52] us to put it on, then let's get it on and get ready for some suffering. Now I don't mean physical suffering or physical grief. There are other ways that men suffer greater torture than through the human body. Men are strong as a rule and are able to stand untold agonies in the physical body, but when it comes to suffering the shame and reproach of the cross and when it comes to bearing the reproach that religious leaders will pour out on you, it's a different question altogether. But we might just as well get ready, for their intimidating remarks. You had just as well fix it in your mind they will come; and if one man doesnÕt say it, then another will. If one man doesn't say it then an organization will . So let's die out to all those that are said, let's not let them shake us one bit; let's this precious book, and some day we will see heaven.

Now let us turn our attention to Matt. 24. There's a verse I want to call your attention to. In the first three verses of that chapter we read of Jesus and his disciple at the temple in Jerusalem, and the scriptures says he came out of the temple and departed, and the disciples came to Jesus to show him the beautiful buildings of the temple. They still had their minds, like a lot of people today, focused on the material things. They came around and said, "Jesus, just look at the beautiful temple." In my mind the beauty of the temple just can't be imagined. The grandeur of that temple can't be visualized in your imagination. But Jesus saw something greater and far more important than these things. In verse two he said, ÒSee ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." These old material buildings will [Page 53] all be torn down. Not one stone will be left on another. We know that about forty years later it really happened to the temple at Jerusalem. Then in the third verse after they had gone to the Mount of Olives the disciples came to Jesus and asked him a question, "Tell us what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? when shall these things be?"

Not only those disciples there have desired to see some signs, but men women all down through the ages have been somewhat sign seekers. They wish to see some signs. By the help of the Lord I'm going to show you an outstanding sign that tells us we are right at the threshold of eternity. just one sign I want to show you that will prove to any rational minded individual that we are on the doorstep of eternity. Jesus is nigh at the door. As we look about today in the religious world there's one great move on foot toward an objective, and most outstanding religious leaders of the world are thinking of that one selfsame thing. The outstanding question of the day is unity among God's people. We read about it, we hear about it everywhere we go. In a religious meeting it's unity, let's get together, let's have just one church. Let's get together and have that one church.

Thank God that men's eyes have been opened to the extent that they see something is wrong. They see that division is a sin. It's wrong, and we need to get rid of it; but to say the most, there's only a few who have found the remedy for it. Now maybe you say, "Preacher, you think you're one of them." And I'll answer you, "Yes, I do." Not egotistically do I answer, but I thank God that the Lord has opened my little eyes down inside to [Page 54] the truth of his word. Christianity will work right here as well as anywhere else. Christianity will work on point of unity the same as on any other point we want talk about. Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


There are many moves on foot today to bring about this desired result, one great world-wide church. The Federal Council of Churches in America is an organization that has been working for years and years to accomplish this thing. But the Federal Council of churches leaned a little too far toward communism and she split the ranks of Protestantism wide open because there are evangelical bodies in the Protestant world that refused to co-operate with the Federal Council in bringing about, one world-wide church because of the fact that the Federal Council had leaned too far toward Communism. Therefore, seeing her mistake in splitting the ranks of nominal Protestantism, the F. C. C. has turned out to through another channel, which is just as dangerous as the F. C. C. itself. And the council through which it is working now is the National Council Churches of Christ in the United States of America. N. C. C. C. U. S. A. it is branded, and it is only a subsidiary of the federal council, comes under the same organization, under the same body of men, working the thing identically as the Federal Council of Churches has been trying to work out for years-leading the religious organizations up to one thing, and that is an ecumenical church. That word ecumenical means general, an means world-wide in its extent. And we read throughout religious digests all over the nation of this ecumenical church being formed through this organization. But there are churches all over the nation that oppose bitterly [Page 55] this idea. Some words of strong denunciation have been uttered against this one ecumenical church. The America Council of Churches is one organization that is fighting it with all of its power. The National Association Evangelicals is another movement that is fighting with all of her power. I want to say, beloved, that we as children of God should register our protest against it too. I am not merely going to quote to you what somebody else has said about it and show you the perils and dangers that lie within the thing, but by GodÕs help I Ôm going to register my complaint as a New Testament minister of God, and my complaint is going to be based on this. I say, beloved, that we need to register our complaint against this thing. Now the goal of this ecumenical church is a legitimate goal. I would not deny that one church throughout the world is a legitimate goal and is something to be desired. And it's that goal that blinds multitudes of men and women. All they can see is an ecumenical church, or world-wide church. That's all they can see; that's the very thing Jesus prayed for, isn't it? He prayed in John 17 that they all might be one, "that the world might believe that thou hast sent me." Now maybe you say, "Now, Bro. Barber, don't you think there ought to be one worldwide church?" I do, but I don't think it will ever be brought about to please God, as these organizations are endeavoring to bring it about, I'm not in the least agreed with the idea of one ecumenical church throughout the world because I see the dangers involved in the developing of such a world-wide organization. I'm going to tell you about some of them. Now the road the religious world is traveling today to obtain that desired result is the wrong road altogether. [Page 56] We hear about inter-faith movements all about, donÕt we? We hear about groups that are meeting in communities. ItÕs a mixture of every denomination in the community. If Roman Catholicism happens to be there, sheÕs right in with them. ItÕs one big meeting in the community or city. No, I donÕt agree with that, wonÕt have any part in it. Even though the preachers in my community say we need to get together, I say, beloved, I have no part in them, and I will refuse to take part in any of them. IÕll show you why I refuse. How many of you love freedom? LetÕs see your hands. Almost everybody. Well, if youÕd testify youÕd say that you love it. I do too, and above all I love religious freedom. But this thing weÕre headed for today is going to rob people of their freedom. This ecumenical church idea is going t rob the public of the right to worship God as they choose, or as God directs. I have clippings in my possession telling of inter-faith movements, inter-faith gatherings throughout the United States and Canada. In Quebec not so long ago there was a great unity meeting. A mixture of Protestantism and Roman Catholicism of every brand. This meeting was hailed as a big step toward the ecumenical church. In Chicago another meeting held where 200 ministers were gathered, some in long white robes, long black robes, and some in street clothes. They had a great meeting. They called it an ecumenical meeting. I want to say when You mix Roman Catholicism, Jewish people, Protestantism, and Roman Orthodox, you canÕt have the presence of God in that meeting. God will not work in such a mixture of unbelief and idolatry as we get together in such a meeting. Why, here's a Jew who doesn't even believe [Page 57] that Jesus is the Son of God. Can you with him and have real fellowship with him? Can you worship with Roman Catholic men and women and have true fellowship with them when theyÕre looking to one thing, and that is the priest or Pope to take away their sins? Why Peter said there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved. When we turn Jesus aside and begin to seek other channels and means to get rid of our sins, brother , weÕre outside of the kingdom of God. ThereÕs no hope for us until first we turn back to God.

But I say these meetings are being held all over the nation. At Berkeley, Calif., they started an inter-faith school, a school that is operated by the Protestant organization, by the Catholics, by the Messianic Synod, by the Lutheran Church, the Christian Science Church. A mixture of all of them have started an inter-faith school. When the teachers get together to decide what they are going to teach and how they were going to teach they had a big problem on their hands. IÕm not surprised. It was a big problem. But you know they agreed among themselves that nobody could proselyte. It would not be fair to proselyte. They also agreed that no teacher was allowed to use refreshments to entice a non-member to come and be a member of his class. And on those agreements and on that basis the school was started. the result will be; I'm curious to know. Beloved, thatÕs not the way to unity. That's not God's plan at all, inter-faith movement. IÕm fully aware that he man who opposes this move in any given city or community is the man who received the public scorn and ridicule and is looked upon as the disgruntled somebody and narrow [Page 58] minded somebody who does 't want God's people to get together. That's where the persecution will come. I'll tell you the salvation of the Lord won't mix with everything and anything. Salvation is something that is separated from the isms of men. Regardless of how much we try to put them together and mix them up, they will not mix. Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


Now, beloved, the road the world is traveling in the developing of this ecumenical church is a road that leads to spiritual darkness and bondage, back from which the world came out of in the 16th century reformation. I want to say again that the road the ecumenical church is traveling today goes back to the spiritual darkness and bondage as in Martin LutherÕs reformation. If you have studied church history you know that in A. D. 530 Papal Rome, Roman Catholicism, as we know her today , came into full power. From A. D. 530 to A. D. 1530 Roman Catholicism was state church at that time, and it was be a Catholic or die. Roman Catholicism worked in harmony and co-ordination with the civil law. When she sent out a decree and some one failed to obey, Roman Catholicism used the civil law to destroy that man or woman, and in that period, childen of God were found only in caves and catacombs, hiding and worshipping God in secrecy. Are you not glad that thing isnÕt today? We couldnÕt be here like this. No, we couldn't enjoy the privileges we have today in open daylight were we to live back in those 1,000 years. not the way to unity. The civil law of the land would not permit it. Then to think of going back, dear ones, is more than I can bear. It's more than I like to think about, notwithstanding the fact we're heading back that way as a world, going right back to it. God spoke to Martin Luther and [Page 59] gave him a revelation of truth back in Wittenberg, Germany. The truth that God gave him was that the just shall live by faith. He began to preach the new birth. He began to preach you must be born again. Of course, it began to bring about a breach between Luther and the state church, or Roman Catholicism. He was admonished and told to quit preaching it, but it came from God; and he could not quit preaching it. When God delivers a message to his true ministers, theyÕll give out that message if it takes their heads from their shoulders. When they fail to do it, they have lost out. ThereÕs only two things, do what God tells you or else lose your soul.

Martin Luther kept preaching the glorious truths revealed to him. The longer he preached, the wider the breach became until finally Roman Catholicism excommunicated him and branded him and his workers as Protestants because he was protesting against something. Too many Protestants today cease to be Protestants. They donÕt protest anything. They just put their arms around the spirit of tolerance and they will tolerate almost anything under heaven. Now the Federal Council of Churches has come forth with a formula of tolerance to offer the United States concerning Russia. And that formula is based on these three things I want to read to you now. First, the existence of conflicting beliefs must be considered as normal. Second, all men must renounce their efforts to spread abroad their way of life by methods of intolerance. Third, the U. S. must accept primary responsibility to secure international acceptance of the method of tolerance. When the Federal Council of Churches comes along and tells the United States of America, a nation that's based on the foundation principles [Page 60] of Christian liberty, she must adopt methods of tolerance to a pagan nation, I say, beloved, there is no foundation to build upon there. When we fail to protest against some things and accept the spirit of tolerance, we've turned the Spirit of God out, because the Spirit of God is not a spirit of tolerance. It will not tolerate anything and everything. It tolerates one thing, and that is faith and obedience to the word of God. Let's never get the idea in our minds that the Spirit of God is a spirit of tolerance. It would never tolerate the things that men would like to get us to tolerate. I'm glad that we can stand before a gainsaying world with that Spirit of God in our hearts. That's not narrow-mindedness, that's not fanaticism, that's just the Spirit of God having his way. Every other way is false, and with David I say, "I hate every false way." Amen. David said he loved the way of truth and I love it too. This is it, the way of truth, the way of righteousness that leads to the portals of glory. again, I say the present path that our religious world is following leads right back to the same spiritual darkness and spiritual bondage that existed for a thousand years between A. D. 530 and A . D. 1530 and, beloved, I don't want to go back to that. I don't want to go back to an age where men and women have been robbed of their spiritual freedom. This ecumenical church idea and inter-faith movement isnÕt a thing but regimentation. Regimentation merely means gathering together in groups or units for central control. The only central control I want to recognize is that control in heaven. Yes, beloved, that control in heaven, where God controls his people from the throne of grace.

This ecumenical church idea that is developing in [Page 61] our world today is going to develop in great power and authority and is headed by a group of unbelieving infidelistic, modernistic men who will have the authority and power to lay their finger on the man who does not obey their ethics and commands. The result of the move that is being developed today will be a group of dictators who will work from a national office somewhere, and they will dictate their commands a through state office and then a county office, then community office; and, beloved, it will affect every congregation in the U. S., and it will also affect every individual in America. Now I know a lot of folks want to say that this is some fantastical idea we have gotten hold of and that it is a bug-a-boo that doesn't exist, but I say it does exist. Already in the United States of America, a land of freedom, a lot of good preachers have been off the radio because the Federation of Churches not want them there. Is that freedom? There will multitudes of other preachers who will be silenced by this organization that is developing. One great reason why I believe it is going to develop and mature is because it is in line with scriptures. The Bible teaches that very thing is going to happen. Maybe you didn't know there were any such teachings in the Bible, but they are there. I am going to turn and read one scripture passage that pictures this organization named the ecumenical church. In Rev. 16:13-14, "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they, are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of whole world, to gather them to the battle of that [Page 62] great day of God Almighty." In this portion he said he saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Those three symbols in this passage of scripture symbolize; the dragon, pagan Rome; the beast, Roman Catholicism; and the false prophet, Protestantism today. Now John saw the three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of those three organizations, and they went out on the breadth of the whole earth and to the kings of the earth to gather them to the battle of God almighty. And as we look at current events today we look at those three organizations moving together to collaborate with one another to destroy genuine Christian religion. Just a few years back you never did hear tell of Protestants and Catholics going together. It was an unheard of thing a few years ago, but today you pick up a newspaper and read about their having their inter-faith movements and gatherings and enjoying it. Truly the signs of the times point to the fact the enemy working through those three organizations is gathering his forces together to stamp out genuine Christianity. Now I want to turn to Rev.20:7-9. "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.Ó This brings us down to the end of time, or the coming of Jesus. DoesnÕt that picture the gathering together of [Page 63] the different religious organizations all throughout the world to form one great world-wide church? And in the scriptural understanding of the whole thing it points to this beast that is pictured in the 17th chapter of Rev. Gog and Magog. Gog and Magog is constituted of all of the false religions of the earth binding together their forces to destroy real, true Christianity. But in the midst of their encompassing the camp of the saints, fire came down from heaven and devoured them. Thank the Lord! he'll just reach down right in the midst of that great mess of confusion and lift his great glorious bride, the true and living church of God and take her to glory to present her to his Father. Thank God for the privilege of being a part of that bride of Christ, the privilege of having our spiritual eyes opened and spiritual understanding enlightened by the word of God and by the Spirit of God. [Page 64] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

Now I said my subject was "Will Christianity Work? Do you believe Christianity will bring about the desired results of a Christian world today? Do you believe Christianity will bring about one world-wide church? Is it possible for God to save men and women in like manner and melt their hearts together into one great organism, the church of the Bible? Is that possible? It is possible through genuine Christianity, but it is impossible the way world is trying to develop it. God will save one and will save another man just alike. When he saves them, he puts them both into one body, which is church, the body of Christ, and when we get to the point where we speak of inter-faith gatherings, I fear we are just [Page 64] a little bit beside ourselves when it comes to the Bible teaching. The prefix inter means among and so indicates more than one. So when we say inter-faith movements we mean movements of different faiths. How often we have heard someone say, "You're not of my faith and order." Dear ones, there's only one faith. I want to turn to Paul's writings in Eph. 4:4-5, "'There is one and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism." When an individual comes to God to be saved, he gets salvation through and by one faith and faith is just believing God and trusting God. When one man comes to God to be saved, he gets saved by believing, obeying, and trusting God. It is by faith. Then another comes to God saved. He has to be saved by the same kind of and same kind of trusting the first man got saved by. Beloved, there is no such thing as different brands of faith. Paul said there is only one faith. Then it is impossible to have interfaith gatherings in the light God's Bible. That's the reason I won't take part in any of their services; that's the reason I am preaching to you as I am today, that God will open our eyes to the dangers that stand out before us in the developing of a world-wide church which will rob men and women of their privilege to serve God according to the teachings of his word. Not only is there one faith, but there's one body, as Paul said in Eph- 4:4, "'There is one body and one Spirit...Ó How many bodies did Paul say there were? One body, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling. I believe if Paul were here today, heÕd preach the same message he ,wrote in the fourth chapter of Ephesians. He would tell men and women [Page 65] there's only one body, one faith, one way and one Spirit, even as youÕre called into one hope of your calling. Then he said in I Cor. 12:13, "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit." Not into six bodies, not into two hundred and fifty-six, not into two, but we're baptized into one body by the one Spirit of God and by one faith. Beloved, when God opens our eyes to the teachings of his word and reveals his glorious church, thereÕs no place for anything else. How I praise him this afternoon for the glorious light of the gospel that shone on my pathway and revealed the glorious bride of Christ. Hallelujah to God for the truth of his blessed word. They can form all the organizations they want to, but say, the glorious body of Christ is separate from it all, no part of any of it. Now what is that one body? We read in Eph. 1:22-23 what that one body is. Paul was telling there in those few closing verses to the Ephesians of the exalted position of Jesus Chris—exalted above every name in heaven and earth. Then he closed out the chapter by saying God "hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all." Praise God for that wonderful truth, the truth this is his wonderful body. Their Paul, said in Romans 12:4-5, "For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.Ó Do you know, beloved, the plain simple teachings God's word have confounded the wise and prudent of this world? They're clear beyond the simplicity of Jesus [Page 66] Christ and have missed it all. But God said he would reveal it to babes. Now if you want God to reveal it unto you, youÕll have to humble yourself as a child. you must let go of everything youÕve had injected into mind since you came into the world, , get rid of all the prejudice get rid of everything else, and God will reveal to you the most beautiful thing that ever existed. HeÕll open up your understanding; he'll open up your heart; he wlil open up your eyes, and you will see the most beautiful bride you ever beheld in your life. Thank God for the revelation of truth! Friends, it only comes through God, the Word of God, regardless of how much mental ability we have, or how much we may develop that mentality. The Bible is a closed book to the man who has not experienced the divine touch and been born by the Spirit. The natural man receiveth not the things of God because they are spiritually written and spiritually discerned. The reason men and women fight the teachings of GodÕs word concerning the one true church of the living God is because they are blinded spiritually and have never been in touch with God; they've never been born again, their spiritual eyes are sealed; the veil has never been taken away; and they can't understand the word of God. But, friends, when the glorious hand of God reaches down and touches the heart and quickens the spirit and gives a new heart, you can understand then what the church is, but not until God comes in, not until God comes in, not until God performs the work of the Spirit in your heart. Beloved, may God open your eyes to the dangers before us in the forming of this organization called the ecumenical church that is designed to rob us of religious freedom and religious worship. Yes, those things are coming, dear friend; [Page 67] they're coming, but I thank God that Christianity will work. Christianity will bring about one church; bring about one body, and the only way we'll obtain unity is to get our hearts in tune with God. God is unity; he is the very sum and substance of unity. You can't divide God. God is composed of the triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. There was never a division or a split between them. There never will be. When men are born of the same Spirit and are placed in the same body by the same Spirit of God, nothing can result but the glorious body of Christ. [Page 68] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


In job 25:4 we read these words: "How then can man be justified with God?Ó This is a very important question to us today, because if we have not yet been justified with God we are guilty of sin in his sight. All mankind must sometime, somewhere, between the age of accountability and the grave be justified with God or stand before Him on the day of judgment condemned to eternal darkness.

I want you to take particular notice of the question, especially the last three words, "How then can man be JUSTIFIED WITH GOD?" There are many ways in which we can be justified with man and also justified in our own eyes, but these ways will avail us nothing on the day of judgment. The question is, "How can man be justified with God?" The scriptures tells us that man's ways are clean and right in his own eyes; yet the end [Page 68] thereof are the ways of death. "All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth spiritsÓ (Prov. 16:2). "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes; but the Lord pondereth the heartsÓ (Prov. 21:2). ÒThere is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness" (Prov. 30:12) The kind of people Solomon talks about in these scriptures is plentiful in the world today and are not very likely to ever be justified with God. As long as an individual is right in his own eyes, or is already just in his own eyes, he is not likely to seek to be justified with God. Justify means to pronounce free from guilt or blame. Therefore, to be justified with God means we must meet his conditions and be pronounced free from guilt by Him.

Many contend they have no need of being justified with God because they are not guilty of anything. They

say, "I have no need of being justified because I have lived a good moral life. I never stole anything; I stay at home and take care of my own business; therefore I am just not guilty of anything." Beloved, if we try to justify ourselves in these arguments, we are doomed to eternal despair. We must look at the situation as God looks at it because he will be our judge on the final day of judgment. The Bible places all of mankind under the category of the guilty until they have been justified with God regardless of how good morally they may have lived. "Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God" (Rom. 3:19). "Therefore as by the offense of one (Adam) judgment came upon all men to condemnation; [Page 69] even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life" (Rom. 5: 18). When Adam sinned in the garden of Eden, he plunged the whole human family into the dark abyss of sin and separation from God. As a result of their disobedience in the garden, condemnation came upon ALL MEN. Regardless of how good you may be in your own eyes, you are guilty before God unless you've been justified by him and with him.

Many folks realize they are guilty before God and need to be justified, but they seek to do it in their own way. There is a diversity of opinions as to how we may be justified with God, and we want to consider some of them. Then too, God has his way that will be considered. Some say, "I believe if a man keeps the law (Mosaical) , he will be justified with God." As a result of his believing that, he tells others, and they accept it too, and many are going to be lost believing this false idea. The law merely stood in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances, being imposed on the people to restrain from sin until the time of reformation, or until the seed should appear to whom the promise was made. No man will be justified by keeping the law. God never intended the law to save anyone. Had the law, which is the first covenant, been able to save, then no place should have been sought for a second or better covenant. "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight" (Rom: 3:20). Notice, Paul said, "in his (God's) sight..." You may try to keep the law and justify yourself in your own eyes, but not in God's sight. "Knowing that a man is not justified the works of the law... for by the works of the law shall [Page 70] no flesh be justified" (Gal. 2:16). Any individual who resorts to the law to be justified with God is found in a backslidden state before him, having rejected Jesus Christ, the only propitiation for our sins. "Christ is become of no effect unto to you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace" (Gal. 5:4).

Someone else says, "I believe I'll be justified God because of my good deeds." If that be true, salvation is not of grace but of debt. Let me use a simple illustration to show what I mean. You bargain to work for a certain company for so much money per eight hour day. After you have worked a week or two weeks, the company owes you for the work rendered. On payday you receive a check for the time worked. Is the check a free gift, or is it a legitimate debt the company owes you? Naturally, you say it is a legitimate debt, and that is true. "Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness" (Rom- 4:4-5). Our justification is not reckoned by works but by the faith of Christ. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast" (Eph. 2:8-9). We are saved by faith and not works, yet works and Christian graces are absolutely necessary to Christian living and are the fruit of faith.

Again I hear someone say, "I believe if an individual believes in Christ and does his best he will be justified with God." This is bordering near the truth, yet is not the truth and is more dangerous than the other two ideas. In a case of this kind the believing is only intellectual, [Page 71] and the best he can do is the result of exerting a little willpower. If a man could be saved by this method, then Jesus would not have died on the cross. If this be true, then salvation is not of the Lord, but depends upon the intellectuality of the individual and his power to live a good moral life. There is no hope for a sinner until he realizes that within himself he is nothing; within himself he is hopelessly lost; he is guilty before God, with no power of his own to save himself. To be sure he must believe in Christ, but this believing must be from the heart. "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Rom. 10:10). When man believes from the heart, a wonderful miracle will take place in his heart and life, and he will be justified with God. But he cannot believe from the heart until he comes as a penitent sinner, forsaking his sins and repenting of them; then God will grant pardon, and he is born from above.

I have mentioned three of the outstanding ways in which people in the religious world are seeking to justify themselves before God. Man can continue to live in sin and follow any one of the three. These ways are prominent in the religious world and open wide the door for the adherents to embrace them, and yet pursue the sinful things of life and give way to the lusts of the flesh. This is the reason they are prominent. Men are not willing to let go of sin and live holy before God, but until they do, they will never be justified with God; neither will they be at peace with him. [Page 72] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


"But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world" (Gal. 6: 14). These words were spoken by a mean ho might well have gloried in many things, yet it was the cross of Christ that stood out predominantly before him. The glory of cross shown upon his pathway so bright that it blinded him to everything else. It was the cross upon which his savior died, the cross upon which salvation was purchased. It is little wonder that this man of God should make such a statement. He looked life squarely in the face and found that the cross of Christ and the Christ of the cross had lifted him from the realms of Òmine own righteousness" to the high plane of the righteousness of God by faith," and from that time on he rejoiced in the love of God and testified, "Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ." This is as great a testimony man can give.

If our hearts are right with God and we enjoy that heavenly peace that comes to those who know him, we can be happy even though the whole world be set in against us. It was the events on Golgotha, the cross, brought this peace to the hearts of mankind and made possible the Apostle PaulÕs testimony and other millions to give the same testimony. This, I believe, is the outstanding reason why we should glory in the cross. It was through the cross that God worked out his great plan of reconciliation. Man in the beginning disobeyed the commands [Page 73] of God, and fellowship was broken, and he went into the darkness of sin and was driven from the presence of God, no longer to enjoy the fellowship with his Creator in the sense he did before the transgression. In due time Jesus went to the cross and died that ignominious death that we might be reconciled to God and restored to the high plane of holy living and fellowship with God as before Adam transgressed. We have nothing in ourselves in which we can glory; itÕs all in the cross. Jeremiah spoke long ago and said, ÒThus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exerciseth loving kindness, judgment , and righteousness, in the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.Ó Men today are glorying in their wisdom, the are glorying in their might to subdue their foes, they are glorying in the abundance of their riches, but all of this glory will fade away as the blossom of flower and the grass of the field. He that hath come contact with the Christ and has a vision of the cross and tasted of its efficacy can never glory in anything else without sustaining great loss to his soul. The greatest blessing ever to come to the human family came through the cross. Being reconciled unto God and receiving pardon for our transgressions, thereby having peace with God, is manÕs greatest blessing and his greatest need. Men are seeking every way to satisfy the longing of their hearts, trying everything that offers any promise of soul rest, yet they find it not in those things of earth. Why, Oh, Why! not turn to the cross and find rest to your souls? The [Page 74] cross is GodÕs provision for sinful men. It was at the cross that I found pardon and mercy and went away with the peace of God in my heart, and it will be at the cross that you will find it and the millions of the earth seek soul rest. Yes, Lord, we glory in the cross, for at the cross we found our need.

In Eph. 2:15-16 we find another reason why we glory in the cross. The Apostle is speaking of the Jew and the Gentile, and of the enmity that existed between them. And we might say here, that not only the Jew and Gentile of long ago had enmity between them, but it still exists today among men. We have tried mediators, peace treaties, peace pacts, and various ways to settle our differences and erase the enmity but all to no avail. Nations have spent millions on war machines, ammunition, anything to destroy their enemies. What is the hope of mankind? Can we find any solution for our problems? Men are racking their brains for an answer to these questions. There is but one answer, and that is the cross of Jesus. In the second chapter of Ephesians Paul deals with subject and says, "Jesus is our peace." Now we know that Jesus did not reconcile the entire Jewish nation to the entire nations of the Gentiles, but only those Jews Gentiles who received him were all reconciled unto God and also reconciled unto God and also reconciled unto each other in one body by the cross. Jesus broke down the middle wall of partition between them, and their enmity was erased, and they loved each other. Therefore, the cross not only reconciles us to God but to our fellowman. Regardless of how much enmity may exist in the hearts of men, when they come in contact with the regenerating power of the blood of Jesus that enmity is all taken away. They can go then [Page 75] and place their arms around the man they hated a ask his forgiveness. There comes within that heart a and an attitude which will do no harm to anyone, but a love arises there for all mankind, regardless of what race or creed they may be. It takes a genuine experience with God to retrace your steps and straighten up the crooked places and ask forgiveness and restore the pledge and speak to that one you know hates you and also to carry back the things you have stolen. Yes, friend to be right with God means to be right with our fellowman. Praise God for a plan of salvation that not only reconciles us to our Creator but also sets us right with the world. Can you glory in the cross? Have you knelt at foot of the old rugged cross and obtained that experience that removes all enmity from your heart? If the blood of Jesus brought the Jew and Gentile to the place where both had access by one Spirit unto the Father, it will surely erase the differences between men today. Then is the prophecy fulfilled in our lives, "They shall their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more." After we have visioned the cross and experienced the Christ in our hearts, we no longer war with our fellowman but at peace with all the world.[Page 76] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


As one lifts his eyes upon the religious world today, he is confronted with various ways and mannerisms which all lead to heaven, so he is told. The spiritual horizon has been so clouded with confusing and contradictory doctrines that he is totally lost in the mist of confusion. In his stumbling around to find his way he is open to deception and misleading unless he relies entirely upon God and his word. God will lead any individual out of religious confusion if he is willing to be led. So many folks are not willing to give themselves to a thorough study of the Bible with unprejudiced minds and let God lead them into the light of his word. Traditionalism has them bound until they are unable to read the Bible and be lead by the Holy Spirit. Instead of going to the Bible and digging out the answers to questions that come before them, they go to some religious leader and take his answer regardless of what it is and stake hopes of eternity on it. Dear reader, remember, the Bible warns us false teachers that will be among us and lead many astray beware of them. Do not follow any man only as he follows Christ, and you'll never know when he is following Christ unless you study the word . The word of God is the only safe thing for us to follow in regard to our souls welfare in eternity.

A few years ago I was working with a young man who became concerned about his soul. Conviction settled upon him, and he felt his need of God. Instead of going to his Bible and finding the way into salvation, he consulted a friend about it, and the friend told him to unite [Page 77] with the church. Of course, it was the church of which this friend was a member that he was to unite with. He listened to the advice given, and on a Sunday morning he joined that particular church. Not once was he advised to kneel in prayer and repent of his sins in order to make peace with God. The minister of that particular church took him in as a member and recognized him as a Christian brother. A few days later he came back to work and asked me if I had heard about him joining church. I replied, ÒNoÓ. ÒWell,Ó he continued, ÒI did last Sunday.Ó I then asked him this question: ÒWhat good did it do you; are you now ready to meet God?Ó He said, Òyes, I am.Ó I looked him straight in the eye and said, ÒNo, you are not ready to meet God; your joining church did nothing for you, you are still in sin." "Oh yes, but it did do something for me", he answered. "No," I said, "It didn't: you've telling dirty jokes, cursing, passing around the liquor bottle, handing out cigars, and all since then; tell me what good did it do you?Ó He then hung his head in shame and confessed it did him no good at al and confessed he was still a lost sinner in the sight of God. This young man is an example of millions who have gone the same way in this land of many churches, except so many join the church and will never know any better until they stand before God in judgment. Who is to be held responsible for these lost souls? None other than the preachers who are operating this sliding-board to hell. We know what a sliding board is—a surface over which one passes smoothly; to glide down; or slip down. The sliding board to hell is a process in nominal Christendom that allows a person to pass smoothly over, thinking he is [Page 78] he is right with God, yet will land him in hell in the end.

The so-called churches of our land are proselyting instead of evangelizing. Great campaigns are put on to subscribe members into their particular church but never an old-fashioned revival meeting when men are told of their sins and how to get rid of them. The church basement is given to recreation for the young people or bingo parties for everyone—a church supper in the name of a class meeting or some other form of entertainment. Paul spoke truth in II Tim. 3 when he said, ÒPerilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away.Ó It reminds one of the days when ancient Israel was encamped at Sinai and Moses went up on the mountain to commune with God. "The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play." The apostle Paul called it idolatry (I Cor. 10:7) - In God's sight it is still idolatry. Many of our present day church goers are as idolatrous as were the people in IsraelÕs day. Nominal Christendom is in a state of bankruptcy. She has nothing in the way of soul food to offer poor, lame, suffering humanity.

Instead of crying out against sin and pointing men and women to the cross of Calvary where they can find salvation from sin and peace with God, they have entered into a league with the devil and appeal to men through the avenue of entertainment. The church that can put on the best program of entertainment wins the crowd, and even some supposed-to-be enlightened people are falling into the same snare. The mission of the church is not to entertain people but to carry the saving message of Jesus Christ to a sin-benighted world; and when she [Page 79] leaves that task and enters the realm of entertain she ceases to be God's church. "How excellent is thy loving kindness, 0 God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. They shall be ABUNDANTLY SATISFIED with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river, of thy pleasures" (Ps- 36:7-8) - Praise God for the river of pleasure that flows from the throne of God to our souls. Beloved, if we are saved and sanctified by the Holy Ghosts and are not finding pleasures in God's house which is the church of the living God, something is radically wrong. Shame on the individual who professes to be a child of God and then must turn to the beggarly elements of the world to find pleasure. David again speaks, "In thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy hand are pleasures for evermore." If you are not finding pleasure in the service of God, or perhaps I should say in your attempt to serve God, why not fall on your knees in prayer and ask God to save you and give the peace in your soul you so much need? If the churches of our land would come back to the Bible, preach and live the gospel, I'm persuaded to believe she would no program of entertainment to entice folk to come.

In the 1945 year book of American churches we find the figures for 1941. The report gives the figures 72,492, 669 church members in the United States. This is the largest number of church members in the history of our nation. It. might. truthfully be said, too, that today America is more wicked and further from God than she has ever been in her history. The greater percentage of these church members knows nothing about living for Jesus a life that is pure and holy. Why? because most [Page 80] of them have been taught to join church and by so doing they become Christians, yet their sins remain; their do not change. Merely sign a card, shake hands with the preacher, make an intellectual confession of Christ, or perhaps be voted in by the remainder of the congregation, and you're a church member. Oh, yes, sometimes you must be baptized, I mean sprinkled and call it baptism. This takes place in our churches today and is deceiving millions of precious souls. Beloved, God does not regard any of these things, you can do all of them and still be a sinner. The fad of joining church has swept our land and deceived millions and is the sliding board to hell. Very seldom is sin mentioned o an altar presented to which folk may come and pray and make peace with God. Just make an intellectual confession of Christ and join church is all that is asked.

There is only one way into favor with God and that is the way of repentance. In Luke 13:5 Jesus says, ÒI tell you nay; but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." We are lost in sin and doomed to an eternal hell until we have turned from our sins and repented of them and asked God to save us. Jesus died as a propitiation for our sins, and we must accept him and believe on him with all our hearts. "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon" (Ish. 55:7). The only way to receive pardon for sins is to do as Isaiah tells us here. We can join all the churches in the land, by whatever method they may use, and not find pardon for our sins, neither peace with God. If we get to heaven, we must meet God's conditions. We [Page 81] must forsake sin and repent of it, and God will save us from it and break the power of sin in our lives and give us a new heart. ÒTherefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature" (11 Cor. 5:17). Have you merely joined church, or have you repented of sin and forsaken it all and are living for Jesus? Don't be deceived by the false teachings of the day and lose your precious soul. The words of Jesus are true, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

Matt. 16:18, "And I say also unto thee, That, thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Jesus had been preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God for some time when the above statement was made. It was the first time any mention had been made concerning building a church, but on this occasion he made a positive declaration, "I will build my church." This has been used so much that some think it is threadbare and meaningless, but, like the rest of the word of God, it is still alive and food for thought and study.

Jesus came preaching repentance and righteous living, a new doctrine to the people of that day. The teachings of this young Galilean so far surpassed over-shadowed the teachings of the chief priests Pharisees that many listened with eagerness, yet were stunned. They confessed that men never spake like this man. Their lives had been accustomed to the teachings of Judaism, which stood only in meats and drinks and divers [Page 82] washings and carnal ordinances imposed upon them. These ordinances and ceremonies could not deliver from sin, for it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. So when Jesus came preaching repentance and righteous living, it conflicted with their lifelong teachings, thus arousing the sinful nature within and causing them to persecute and even crucify the Son of God. But thank God! all men did not reject his teachings. Many left their means of livelihood and followed him withersoever he went, and to them gave he Power to become the sons of God. It was to those who had believed on him and become disciples that the statement was made, "I Will build my church." To those who later were called " Christians" at Antioch.

We are told that the word church is derived from the Greek word ekklesia, which means an assembly or congregation. Therefore the term may be applied to any gathering of people, whether for a good purpose or a bad one. That being the case, some term must be attached to designate the one who called the gathering and the purpose for which it was called. When Jesus said: build my church," in reality he said, "I will call an assembly or congregation out of sin and the multitudes of people to carry my gospel and in which I may live through the Spirit, a people for myself.Ó. Isaiah, in speaking of the people of God, said, "And they shall call them, The holy people. The redeemed of the Lord; and thou shalt be called, Sought out. A city which shall not be forsaken. He carries the thought of a people who have been sought out of something and brought together as a city which shall not be forsaken. As Jesus went about the land of Judea preaching and teaching, he was gathering material [Page 83] or followers to build this church (assembly). As time went on, the number of believers increased, and he taught them to forsake all and follow him and that they should love God with all their heart, soul, strength. and mind, and also love their fellowman as themselves, and that by his love all men would recognize them as his disciples. Upon this teaching he called an assembly of "born again" followers to constitute this church he was to build.

This church was to be made up of men and women who had forsaken sin and believed in the Christ and were "born again." Also they were folk who had left the different sects of religion of that day, such as the sect of the Sadducees and the Phariscees that so bitterly opposed Jesus. The fact that folk had accepted Jesus and become adherents of his, automatically set them at odds with these various sects. It was impossible for them to be a follower of Christ and still be a member of one of these sects because, of the conflict in the teachings; therefore, when one accepted Jesus, he segregated himself from the multitudes and was branded a fanatical heretic.

We turn and read from the book of Acts concerning this assembly of people who were gathered from the common horde of religious people and were so knit together that they had all things common. There was something strange about these folk who rallied around this young Galilean, something about their lives that was inexplainable by the chief priests and elders. They were not the learned people of the day, neither from the more influential class, but just common people; yet there was some. thing about their conduct and speech that commanded the attention of all who came in contact with them. [Page 84] Also there was a power that went out from their lives that brought men face to face with God, a power that had to be acknowledged, yet the masses dared not admit it to be the power of God. Those people were looked upon as the off-scouring of the earth, people who rebelled against the traditions of the elders.

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out upon this little waiting group, and they were baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire, just as John the Baptist prophesied. They came down into streets of the city (that just a few weeks before had crucified and destroyed the Son of God) to testify of the greatness and power of God to save from sin. This group had been welded together by the fire of the Holy Spirit, which is able to tear down every wall of partition between the souls of men and make of them one. They continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and were of one accord. God had really wrought a work in their hearts. Jesus had during his earthly ministry gathered them from the byways of sin and put his Spirit within them on the day of Pentecost and now was manifesting himself in their lives. The life of Christ and the Spirit of God in them was the thing that designated them to be the assembly that had been Òsought out" by God and determined them that had been as the church of God, the church Jesus said he would build.

We hear Jesus as he prays to his heavenly Father, ÒI pray for them; I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me... And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. [Page 85] While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name... Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one." In this prayer we readily see the burden on the heart of Jesus. His earthly ministry had been spent gathering disciples from the world of sin, and he had kept them in the Father's name, and now as he prepares to return to heaven he prays that they may be kept in the Father's name and might be one that the world, would believe the Father sent him. The church (assembly) we read about in the book of Acts is the church Jesus built and it was made up of folk who had repented of sin and been born of the Spirit. By virtue of their spiritual relationship with Jesus they were made one, and assembled together with one common purpose in view, separated from all the religious sects of the day, separated unto God and the propagation of his gospel. Unity existed in their midst. They were of one heart and one soul because they all had been baptized into one body by the Spirit. Certainly there were no questions that arose among them, but they went to God in prayer and consulted with one another until they reached the place where they could say, "It seemed good to us and the Holy Ghost." Yes, unity of the faith existed as well as unity of the Spirit. The apostles didn't go out preaching doctrines that conflicted one with another, but contrariwise, they taught we should all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among us, but that we be perfectly joined together. Where unity of the Spirit dwells it will soon produce unity of the faith. This assembly, or church, was not a place where folk could go and still hold on to the doctrines they had among the Sadducees or the Pharical [Page 86] doctrines or of any other sect. They had laid all this aside and had come to Jesus and accepted his doctrine, which they said was a new doctrine, but it was the doctrine of God. The freedom Jesus gives us is not, as some suppose, a freedom to believe whatever we want, but freedom from sin and freedom to believe the truth, the doctrine of God. Upon this foundation the early church was built; therefore it is called throughout the New Testament was called the church of God. It was a body of people ,was fitly framed together and became a habitat God through the Spirit. The church that Jesus built then was the assembly Òsought out" by him and brought together on a common plane which was salvation and standing upon his doctrine.

God tells us in his word that he never changes. ÒFor I am the Lord, I change notÓ(Mal. 3;6). There is no shadow of turning in God, so we may depend upon him and expect of him that which he has promised. He also expects of us the same he did of his followers when Jesus was on earth. His church is to be the same today as it was in the beginning of dispensation. The church pictured in the Bible is the pattern for us today. God has not lost any of his power to save from sin and destroy the middle wall of partition between the hearts of men. He can still save and make of twain one new man, so if we as a church fail to exemplify the pattern in the Bible, we are falling that much.

The way into the church today is the same when Jesus taught on earth. He said, "I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved." The requirements were to repent and believe on the Son of God, and [Page 87] by doing this they were born of God and became material to fit into the building or church. The requirements for admittance into God's church are the same today. We must forsake sin and repent of it, and by so doing we are born of God. Now the prayer of Jesus as recorded in John 17, "that they all may be one," is still the burden of heart. He still desires that all his children be one and all speak the same thing. His church is pictured in the Bible as a building fitly framed together. "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together for an habitation of God through the Spirit (Eph. 2:19-22). In this quotation we see plainly that Paul understood the church to be a building fitly framed together, or an assembly of people who had believed on Jesus Christ and by virtue of common experience with him were framed together to constitute a building. A building is a structure that has been built; and built is the past tense of the will build. To build means to unite material in order make a structure.

The Christian world today presents almost anything but a building fitly framed together. Many who say they love God and perhaps have their names on some so-called church record, are strangers and foreigners to each other. They have nothing in common. The different beliefs and creeds and rituals that have been written by men have brought division and sometimes hatred between them. This is all displeasing to God, for he would have us all be one and be fitly framed together. There is only [Page 88] one thing that will accomplish this, and that is the Holy Spirit reigning in every heart. The experience of full salvation will bring men together in one body today in the apostles' day.

Many "born again" people are scattered throughout the different denominations today who need to hear the call of God. He is not pleased with the scattered condition of Christians but desires "that they all be one." In Rev.18:4 we hear God speak: "Come out of her, my people, that ye receive not of her plagues." The thing God is calling his people out of is Babylon. He is calling people out of the babel and confusion that exists in the nominal Christian world (denominationalism). Almost anyone will admit that denominationalism presents a babel state of confusion, and, for the most part, one is about as good as the other, but they are all displeasing to God. Any organization that binds a true saint of God is displeasing to him, and where the real gospel is preached, it is impossible for denominationalism to exist long. The Spirit working as the Word is preached will unite the hearts of "born again Ò people. It is the duty of every God-called minister to preach the message of unity. Jesus is going to come after his waiting bride (the church is called JesusÕ bride) and present her to the Father. He is not a polygamist; he only has one bride, one church, and is coming again to receive her unto himself.

When Jesus appears the second time to receive his waiting bride, he will not gather all Christians out of every denomination and bring them into one body, constituting his bride. The work of unifying and bringing together is going on now. The true ministers of God are preaching the message of unity as it is taught in the [Page 89] Bible, and the Spirit of God is seeking out the scatter saints and bringing them into the one body, the church God, the bride of Christ. Yes, but how about those "born again" people who remain in denominationalism? Th, who are truly "born again" are God's children (sheep) and Jesus said, "My sheep (children) hear my voice and they follow me" (John 10:27). The call, "Come out of her, my people, Ò will be heard by all the saints in Babylon and they will answer the call or lose their experience with God, for rebellion against him means transgression or sin. Before Jesus returns he will gather every one his true saints out of all the places where they have be scattered, and not one of them will be found in denominationalism. In Rev. 18:23 we read: "And the light of the candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom (Jesus) and of the bride (church) shall be heard no more at all in thee." In this 18th chapter Revelator heard the call of God for his people to come and also saw the utter downfall and destruction of Babylon. The voice of the bridegroom, which is Christ, will not be heard there any more, and where the voice of Jesus is not heard we could not expect to find any true Christians. God is working through his true people and by Holy Spirit, gathering all the saints into one body preparatory to the second advent of Christ and the end of things. A body of people who have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, and have been all baptized into one body by one Spirit predicated upon the simple teachings of Jesus, separated from all the religious sects of the day. Dear reader, have you been born of the of God and taken your place with the true saints an standing for the wonderful truths in the word of God? [Page 90] Jesus is coming after his waiting bride, will you be a part of her? Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


As we look about in the religious world today we see many different churches with different doctrines and beliefs. Among these churches we find various ways of becoming a member of them. Some require one thing and some another. To become a member of some churches you must sign a card adhering to their particular doctrine; others, you shake hands with the preacher, or you make an intellectual confession of Jesus and are accepted upon the approval of the remainder of the members or by some method that particular church has devised itself, but all are foreign to the method God has used for centuries. Dear reader, you may join any or all churches of the land and yet not be a member of God's church. In midst of all the so-called churches and their various ways of becoming a member, God has a church, and there is only one way to become a member of it. If you have an honest heart and want to go to heaven when this life is over, you must be a member of God's church, for it is the one that will be accepted on the day of judgment. The people who have joined by the hand-shaking method or by signing a card or merely making an intellectual confession of Jesus will be disappointed on the last day when they are turned into outer darkness.

To become a member of God's church we must find the door and the requirements for entrance through that [Page 91] door. To climb up some other way is to be classed as a thief and a robber. Jesus says, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in he shall be saved"(John 10:9). Jesus is the door to God's church, and to become a member we must come to him and be saved from sin. There is no other way into the church of God, which is God's church on earth. No preacher has the authority, nor is it possible, for him to take members into God's church. You often hear some preacher say he is going to open the doors the church. Beloved, he may open the doors of some man-made organization called a church, but he cannot open the doors of God's church; so remember, when meet some man's requirements to become a member you are not becoming a member of God's church. Now we have found the door, let's look further into the requirements of entrance into that door. Jesus, says, "I am the door, by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.Ó He must enter in by Jesus, not the preacher, and as he enters in he is saved; and when he is saved, he enters in. Both take place at the same time when he passes through the door. It is evident from this scripture that to enter into Christ is to enter into his church; therefore, no other procedure, such as putting your name on a church book, shaking hands with the preacher, or anything else is necessary. You become a member of God's church when you become a member of Christ. You are born into it, it is not a joinable institution.

To become a member of Christ means to forsake sin and repent and be born of the Spirit of God. The people of God are a holy people; they have forsaken all sin and given themselves unreservedly to the Lord Jesus Christ and are serving him. They have come to him and repented [Page 21] of their sins and have been born from above. Born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. When they repented of sin they were saved and entered into Christ and also into his church. "And of Zion (church) it shall be said. This and that man was born in her. the Lord shall count , when he writeth up the people , that this man was born there.Ó (Ps. 87:5-6) From this passage of scripture we see the Lord is going write up the people, and he will write only those who been born (spiritually) in her. This is the only method God uses to bring members into his church. He doesn't recognize those so-called members who have signed a card, shook hands with the preacher, nor those the preacher said he took into the church. God must be the one who takes them in before they are recognized by him. They must be "born again.Ó

Many have forsaken sin and been born of God an thought it necessary to join some church. They united with some church and took upon themselves a fictitious name which was displeasing to God. He is jealous of the family name and wants all of his children to use that name. Why should God's children use some other name when the Bible tells us Jesus purchased the church with his own blood, (Acts 20:28). If you have been born of the Spirit of God and are living a holy life, God wants you to use his name only, not some fictitious name. You need not join some church either, for when you repented of sin and entered Christ, you became a member of his church.

The question may arise in your mind, "How can I worship at such and such a church and not join; they insist [Page 93] on everyone joining the church before they are recognized as Christians?" If you have forsaken sin and repented and are living a holy life, you are accepted of God, and he wants you to use His name only. He also wants you to come out from among the people who insist on your joining church, and worship with his true children. In the midst of all the denominations God has his true people who are separate and are standing upon the word of God as their only governor. In his Word he also issues a call for you, Christian, to "Come out of her, my people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." God is calling his people out of the babel of confusion that exists in denominations to walk with him according to his word. If that particular church insists on you joining, they are teaching something, that is foreign to the Bible; therefore it is false doctrine, and God wants you to leave it and find his true people. He is now gathering the scattered saints from all divisions and bringing them together to compose one true church which will constitute his bride on the last day, a body of people who have been "born again" and are obeying the word of God. They are members of God's church by virtue of the new birth and not some method of joining which they have adopted.

Even though you have repented and been born of God, yet insist upon staying among people who teach false doctrine and live sinful lives, you will soon lose your spiritual experience. God says, "Be ye not unequal yoked together with unbelievers. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (II Cor. 6:14, 17). God does not want his children to be yoked together [Page 94] unbelievers or anything that is unclean. He wants them, to come out of all these things and be separate, and he will receive them. To be "born again" and be entangled with sinful church members (those who met the so-called church's requirements but not the Lord's) is to displease God. 'Therefore to be a member of God's church is not only to be "born again" and live holy, but it is to come out of all the denominations and be separate from and from all that is unclean. "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body (the church) , whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have all made to drink into one Spirit" (I Cor. 12:13) All the different denominations are displeasing to God and are man-made; therefore God is calling his people out of them to constitute the one body in which their experience of salvation has made them a members. Reader, have you repented of your sins and been born of God? Are you living a holy life? If you are, you should leave denominations and find God's true people, God's true church and worship with them that you may be accepted of him on that last great day. Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978


Since the day Adam and Eve transgressed God's law—thereby plunging the whole human family into the dark abyss of broken fellowship with God--God has longed to dwell in the hearts of that family and restore the fellowship that was lost. It is SIN that bars the door an makes it impossible for that fellowship to be restored. Where sin dwells in the heart, God cannot dwell, for he [Page 95] makes no allowance for sin. Then for God to realize; his desire, that of dwelling in the hearts of mankind, he must provide a way to eradicate sin from man's heart. This he did in the sending forth of his Son into the world. ÒFor this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that might he destroy the works of the devil" (I John 3:8). Sin is the work of the devil, and Jesus truly destroys sin in them who will believe in him with all their heart. ÒWhosoever is born of God doth not commit sin." Thank God, the blood of Jesus will cleanse us from all sin, and we can enjoy the fellowship with God. "If we walk in the as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another..." (I John 1:7). It is only those whose sins has forgiven that can enjoy fellowship with him.

After Jesus had entered his life's work of preaching the kingdom of God--and many were pressing into he said, "Upon this rock I will build my church" ( Matt. 16:18). On the day of Pentecost these believers received the Holy Ghost and were welded together in love and became the temple of God. They had already been, delivered from sins committed, and on the day of the Pentecost the carnal nature was burned out, and they received the divine nature of God, and fellowship was completely stored so that Paul could say, "In whom we also are builded together for an habitation (place of abode) of God through the Spirit" (Eph. 2:22). These were people— individuals from whose lives sin had been destroyed— who were enjoying fellowship with God; God lived in their hearts and among them, not in material form, but through the Spirit. This was the church that Jesus said he would build. The same experience that produced this kind of a church in the morning of this dispensation will [Page 96] produce the same today. Sin is no more powerful today than it was in Jesus' day, neither is the power of God any different. There is still power in the blood of Jesus to break every shackle and fetter of sin and set the captive free if he only will trust in it. This church Jesus said he would build, and did build, is not a myth but a spiritual fact about Christ. It is his body the reincarnation of him who sits at the right hand of the majesty on high. She, the church, must be free from sin today as much as Jesus was without sin when he was in the world.

Why the church? Why did Jesus build a church? Was it because he had nothing else to do? NO! He built it to meet a specific need in the world, that he might have a church through which he could work and manifest his glory and power. As soon as a so-called church fails to meet this specific need, it is discarded by the Lord, just as we discard a useless article. Many churches have fallen into the discarded lot without realizing it, the Lord having departed from them; yet they continue on as best can without his help. So many churches allow the fervent love of God to leak out of their hearts, thereby losing power of genuine religion and also the ability to see spiritual things, and then fall into the class that depends upon forms of worship and good deeds to carry them through. In Rev. the second chapter, we read some letters the Lord wrote to the churches. To Ephesus he wrote and commended them for their patience and the fact that they couldn't bear those who were evil, or false prophets, yet he said, "I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast LEFT thy first love." This church had labored in Christian service, had borne many burdens for the sake of the Lord, yet she had allowed that strong ardent affection [Page 97] for God and sacred things to leak out of her heart, she was discarded by the Lord as a result of it. He said, "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent." Undoubtedly this church was in a backslidden, condition. She failed to meet the specific need for which Jesus built his church and was set aside. The true church of God as she is inhabited by the Lord will need no human scaffolding to support her; she will not have to depend upon forms and ceremonies to keep her going because she is the dwelling place of the eternal God.

The work of the church is twofold. First, the church to "offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ" (I Pet. 2:5). Second, to meet a definite and precise need of humanity.

Before the church can offer spiritual sacrifice acceptable to God, she must be alive spiritually. Peter said, ÒYe also as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house.Ó ÒThe trees of the Lord are full of sap.Ó Jesus said, ÒI am the life.Ó It is only as we come in vital contact with him that we have spiritual life. The so-called Israel of God today is much like it was when God gave Ezekiel the vision of the valley of dry bones. Those bones gave mute evidence that there had at one time been a people. In many places today we find the bones of what once was a spiritual church. What has happened? Many things might have happened to cause such a spiritual decay. Maybe it began by an innocent wink at the world, which in time led to friendship with the world--which is enmity with God, and death to spirituality. Beloved, individuals and churches do not backslide over night. They don't lose it all at once; it is a gradual process. Just a little slackening up in their devotions to God and loosening of their grip on [Page 98] the word of God and Satan already has the wedge in that will mean your soul in the end. Perhaps someone left Babylon (denominationalism's confusion) and came to the congregation, not because they had gotten a vision the bride, the Lamb's wife, but because the folks were little more friendly to them, and with them they brought some Babylonish garbs and traits and by their winning personality persuaded the pastor to use these relics from Babylon, which in time brought about an apostasy among the group. (A word to the pastor who reads this article might be fitting right here.) Keep yours eyes on the one who comes to you out of Babylon. No, I don't mean to put him under suspicion or probation either. Remember it took God only a short time to get Israel out of Egypt but it took him forty years to get Egypt out of Israel. So it may take you longer to get Babylon out of the individual than it will to get him out of Babylon. Many other things might have happened; however, the bones are there and give evidence of death, that is, in relation to God. Spiritual life is gone and this group can no longer worship acceptably, for they cannot offer spiritual sacrifices God. Sin in any form will bring about spiritual death; and when sin is allowed regardless of how little, it puts a stop to the flow of the Spirit of God, and death prevails. Beloved, let's be certain that we keep that vital contact with God shunning the very appearance of evil, barring the door to the enemy of our soul, that we might be a people acceptable in the sight of the Lord. Therefore any people other than a spiritual people cannot be God's church.

Second, to meet a definite and precise need of humanity. Open your Bible and reread Isaiah 1:2-9, and you [Page 99] will find the need of the world and the work of the church "The whole head is sick and the whole heart faint, from the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises and putrefying sores; they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment." The whole of humanity is in the same condition today; she is sick, there's no soundness it, but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores that have never been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. Herein is the work of the church— to mollify the wounds and bruises and sores of humanity.

Also the human family is dead in trespasses and in sins. It is the duty of the church to lead them to Christ, wherein they might find life spiritually. The greatest need of a dead man is life. The greatest need of the sinner, the world, is life from God; and the church that is dead (spiritually) cannot lead anyone to Christ; she needs to be resurrected herself.

Jesus went about doing good, healing all manner diseases, casting out devils, having compassion upon multitudes; and on his departure he left the church to carry on his work. "Greater works than these shall ye doÓ proves to us that he intended his followers to carry on in the same field in which he labored; and when the church fails to anoint the wounds and bruises of humanity, she fails in her work and is discarded by God.

Much has been written about the church evangelizing the lives of individuals in this crisis in which we are found today. Truly the church should be doing something about the lost souls that are in a state of bewilderment, but her exploiting in the field of recreation and amusement will never lead a soul to a saving knowledge of Jesus [Page 100] When any church leaves the field of evangelism (preaching or promulgation of the gospel—Webster) and enters the realm of recreation and amusement, it fails God and has left the old paths that lead toward heaven. It ceases to be the body of Christ, regardless of its profession. "It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe" (I Cor. 1:2). The preaching of the gospel will still save the believer and will bring others to the cross of Jesus. The preacher wasnÕt called of God to run bazaars and conduct recreational centers or to manage church basement restaurants; he was called to preach the gospel, and God has promised to take care of his word. Let the church be the church or take down the sign. It's these dead flies that cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savor. Many are the churches that have tried these avenues to entice their young people to services, but they failed. Many are the church basements that have been converted into a recreational center, or perhaps the church purchased a piece of property somewhere for the purpose of making a playhouse for the youth of the community. Beloved, this is not the work of the church. "Well, someone asks, "What shall we do with our young people, let them go to the devil?" No, I wouldn't agree to that. But if the church will be the church and act like the church carry on the work of the church, the gospel will go forth in the community under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the members will live godly, upright lives, and mothers and fathers will be saved, and they'll bring the children to the church, and those young people who are of age will also find the Lord. The devil has succeeded in blinding many church leaders and ministers with the idea that they [Page 101] have to have a program that will entertain or amuse people in order to get them to church. If a crowd is all are looking for then let's buy a monkey and a grind organ and put on a real show and get the crowds. I like crowds too, but I'm not willing to sacrifice anything the Lord desires in order to get them; I'd rather have the LordÕs approval on the meeting than all the crowds you can get. Here's where the nominal church has been bewitched by her enemy, the devil. You never read in the New Testament where the apostles were quibbling over the question of entertaining or getting the crowds. No! They were filled with the power of God and went out to preach and either had a revival or a riot, and the crowds were always there. If Jesus is not the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley, the bright and morning star to young people as well as old, then he has failed, in his mission. God reproved ancient Israel for making alliance with Egypt for help. "Woe to them that go down Egypt for help" (Isa. 31:1).

Isn't God's program good enough for us? Won't it win the lost? Jesus said, "And I, if I be lifted up from earth will draw all men unto me." When we as a church enter the field of recreation and amusement we are not lifting up Jesus before the world. We are lifting him only as we obey him and walk close by his side.

May the God of heaven breathe the Holy Spirit anew upon our hearts, enlighten our minds, and enlarge our vision as to our duty and responsibility as professed Christians. I'm persuaded to believe that a preaching program conducted by a Holy Ghost owned preacher will thrill and entertain the souls of the saints of God, whether they are young or old. We're just kidding ourselves to think that [Page 102] we need all manner of entertainment to hold the young or win them to God-and I'm speaking from the young person's viewpoint, since I'm young myself. If we preachers will not handle the word of God deceitfully but denounce the hidden works of darkness and preach the Bible with the manifestation and power of the Holy Ghost, and will honor and live the word, people will not need or even think about entertainment. "Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodnessÓ (Psm. 107:8-9). Isn't it the cry of empty souls and unsatisfied hearts that seek and demand entertainment? A church that is drinking at the fountain of life and busy with salvation's work, mollifying the spiritual wounds and bruises of mankind, is offering spiritual sacrifices unto God fulfilling her place in the world as God's church and not be worried about how we can entertain people. also will be worthy to be called the church of God on earth; therefore, LET THE CHURCH BE THE CHURCH. Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LordÕs side? Let him come unto me" (Ex. 32:26). These were momentous words in their day and were spoken by one of the most noble leaders God's children have ever known. God had called Moses up on Mt. Sinai to confer with him concerning the law which was to govern Israel. "And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written [Page 103] with the finger of God." But when Moses delayed his coming down out of the mount, the people (Israel) gathered themselves together unto Aaron and said unto him, ÒUp, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him." So upon their request Aaron said to break off the golden earrings from the ears of their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, and bring them unto him. He received them at their hand, put them in the fire and made a molten calf and fashioned it with a graving tool. An altar was built before this golden calf, and Aaron made a proclamation concerning it and said, "Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord." All , Israel rose up early in the morning and offered their burnt offerings on the altar of this image. Then they sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. But while his was going on, God was looking down on the scene. Up on the mount he spoke to Moses and said, "Get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves." After pleading with God in prayer to forgive them, Moses and Joshua returned to the camp and beheld the horrible scene of around the golden calf. Moses' wrath waxed hot, and he threw the tables of stone to the ground and broke them and went into the camp and tore down the calf, threw it into the fire and melted it, then ground it to powder and strewed it upon the water and made Israel drink the water? Then he turned to Aaron and said, "What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them?" And Aaron, like many preachers today, tried to excuse himself because the people were set on mischief, Aaron really had no excuse to offer.[Page 104] He was responsible to God to preach the word and hold up a true standard of righteousness in spite of the fact that the people were bent on mischief. The time had come in Israel, and the situation had arisen when it was necessary for men to make a decision and necessary that a separation be made between those who were on the Lord's side and those who were not. Moses, being a true leader, stepped to the gate of the camp and issued the call, "Who is on the Lord's side? let him come unto me." A great flood of idolatry had swept into the camp in the absence Moses, thereby making a decision and a separation necessary. Even though there may have been some among them who were not in sympathy with all that had transpired in Moses' absence, yet the entire nation of Israel was in danger of being destroyed because of their sin, hence, the need of a separation.

Beloved, the picture is about the same today in the religious world. Many a golden calf, many an idol has been erected in the camp of the so-called saints and claiming their love and devotion. Just as idolatry swept into the camp of Israel, so has idolatry, worldliness, a compromise swept into the camp of organized religion. But thanks be to God, it hasn't come into the true church of God. This being true, the need is as urgent as in MosesÕ day that men make their decision and declare their position. This is no time for silence on the part of any who desire to go to heaven. The forces of evil are gathering their powers to encompass the camp of the saints, and those who are fearful to take their stand with God and true saints will surely be slain. The call is being issued as in Israel's day. The Holy Spirit is sounding the call far and near for men and women to come walk with him. [Page 105] The true ministry is blowing the trumpet with a clear note. The gospel is being preached in its simplicity, its purity and beauty, and people are being brought face to face with the decision and are deciding for eternity. Have you made your decision yet, dear reader? And have you declared your position that others may know whose side you are on? May I remind you right here that there are only two sides, and you are on one or the other. The only two sides are, the Lord's side, and the other side, I would to God people could realize the truth of this statement. So many folk think there are any number of ways to heaven and it makes little difference which way they choose. This is not so, my friend. There is only one way to heaven and that's the Lord's way, or the Lord's side. The other side may be divided into ranks, companies, divisions, schisms, and sects. Yet it is all on the opposite side from the Lord. Neither is there any room for neutrality. Jesus plainly teaches us that, "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroadÓ (Matt. 12:30). This scripture definitely places us on one side or the other. "He that is not with me..." Jesus says. The individual who fails to take a definite stand with Jesus (and thereby the Word also) on all points of doctrine and on all issues of life automatically falls on side that is against him. We are either gathering with him or scattering abroad. There is absolutely no room for neutrality.

Perhaps someone will say, "There's too much confusion and strife in the religious world, I'd rather not bother with any of it." In assuming this attitude you place yourself outside the kingdom of God, a lost soul. You not care to enter the battle with Jesus against all that is [Page 106] sinful and wrong; you may not be willing to be numbered among the despised few who bear the reproach of the cross but there's coming a day when you would love to be on the Lord's side. The day when Jesus will come as a thief in the night, the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, the earth and all the works that are therein shall be burned up with the judgment flames of God, then you'll want to be nestled in the love of God and be numbered with the saints as they go marching through the pearly gates of Heaven. When time ceases to be and eternity has begun, only those who were on the Lord's side in this world will enjoy the bliss of his presence then. Many folk have the desire to walk the streets of heaven with Jesus, but refuse to walk the streets of earth with him. They are ashamed to confess him before men and he'll be ashamed of them before his Father and the angels. If you want to be on the Lord's side on judgment day, you'd better take your position with his saints now and fight the good fight of faith in this life. Will you be one of his servants today? Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


I want to show the danger of trying to play the part of a neutral. There are many people who would got to heaven if it just meant sticking up one finger and saying, ÒPut me down for a robe and a crown." But there's much more to it than that. One time I had an outstanding religious man make this statement to me. He said that he would be like the little boy who spins his top. He'd stand back and watch it spin. In so many words he meant he would watch developments in the religious world, and when victory comes he'd step in for the spoils. But we find an account in the word of God that covers such a position as this man assumed. In the book of judges we have an [Page 107] account of Israel sinning and being sold into bondage into the hands of Jabin, king of Canaan. For twenty years Jabin oppressed them sorely until finally God raised up the prophetess, Deborah, to deliver them. Along with Barak and 10,000 men Deborah went up against Jabin and smote him completely. In chapter five we read of the triumphant song of Deborah and Barak, and in verse twenty-three we note what the angel of the Lord said to Meroz, "Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the Lord, curse bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty." The inhabitants of this city remained neutral and were bitterly cursed of God because of their failure to help his people against Jabin. We look to the thirteenth chapter of Acts and find Paul preaching Christ to the people in Antioch of Pisidia. In the fortieth verse we read, "Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets; behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish! for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you." Many will stand by and despise the good things of God; they'll look on in wonder and amazement and perish. God is surely bringing his work on earth to completion. He is gathering the remnant together now, calling his people out of all the babel of confusion which exists in the nominal Christian world, bringing them together in the one body of Christ, the church of the living God. Many who at one time had a clear vision of this beautiful bride (church) have trifled with truth and lost the vision and will go down to destruction with the millions who persistently cling to the carcass of a burnt-out religion, their only hope residing in the cold, ritualistic forms of a dead religion. May God [Page 108] help you, dear reader, to take your stand for God and with God's people and lift up the blood-stained banner of Jesus before a sin-sick and confused world. Your only hope of heaven is to make your decision for God and declare your position before the world and fight the good fight of faith.

The question comes to mind, what does it mean to be on the Lord's side? First of all, it means forsaking all sin and repenting of it before God and being born of the Spirit. Jesus told Nicodemus he would have to be Òborn again." This not only stands good for Nicodemus but for every man or woman who would find peace in their soul. "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (John 3:5). Many other ways have been offered by man to enter into kingdom of God, but none have yet found a way into it except by the new birth. When an individual forsakes his sins and repents before God, he is then born of the Spirit of God. He receives Jesus as his personal Savior, and the divine love of God is implanted in that heart, and he becomes a member of God's great family.

He doesn't have to join anything, because he has been born (of the Spirit) into the family. And when the divine love is implanted in that heart, that individual doesnÕt remain the same; the miraculous has happened to him, he is a new creature. "Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new" (11 Cor. 5:17). The change of heart has caused such a radical change in his conduct that others, can behold the difference. He has lost his love for the things of sin and the world. Wherein he used to bow before the altars of the gods of pleasure he cannot [Page 109] find any pleasure there because of tasting a far greater pleasure in Jesus. The sinful things of the world no longer hold any attraction for a person possessing divine love in the heart. Many professors of religion are indulging in things that would be impossible for divine love to tolerate. (The proof of the pudding is in the eating.) The proof of divine love in your heart is in your living. If there's been no change in your life and you still do the things the sinful world is doing, then you have missed the mark entirely.

Divine love will not only cause a radical change in your outward conduct but will knit your soul to the heart of God, and his interests will be dearer to you than own interests. We have a beautiful example of this tie of love in David and Jonathan. The scripture says, ÒThe soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, Jonathan loved him as his own soul" (I Sam. 18:1). This was not merely a business connection or a formal uniting, but love had bound the soul of Jonathan to David so, he cared for him as he did for his own soul. What strides of progress the kingdom of God would make if every professor of religion possessed such divine love to knit their soul to the heart of God, and they loved his cause as they did their own soul, or their own interests. Too often we find the so-called Christian more interested in his own welfare than in the progress of GodÕs work. Many times the church goes begging financially while the members lavish their money on themselves in the comforts and luxuries of life. If every professor of religion in America had real divine love in their hearts, the churches wouldn't be engaging themselves in the restaurant business by having chicken fries, oyster suppers, cake [Page 110] walks, and many other things to pay the necessary bills. Neither would they have to engage in the used clothing business by conducting rummage sales. Beloved, the church is out of its place in the plan of God when it is compelled to resort to these methods to finance its program. These are not in harmony with the plan of God for his church. If divine love dwelt in the heart, then GodÕs cause would be well financed by the giving of our tithes and offerings. God expects some of your money to support this cause on earth. It is God who gives you strength to get money, then will you rob him in withholding from his cause? I would not resort to the legal side of giving to God's cause but look to the power of love. If divine love dwells in your heart, you cannot withhold your means from him. If you love him and his cause as much as you love your own soul, it will be easy, and even a pleasure to give liberally to support his work, but if you love your money better than you do God and his cause, then you're not a Christian. Are you on the Lord's side? Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

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Divine love will never, can never, become indifferent toward God's cause. To say that an individual possessing divine love in his heart would become careless and indifferent toward God's cause is equivalent to saying that himself would become indifferent toward his own way and we know that will never be. If you are one of the millions who have become engrossed in the attractions of this world, pursuing the things of the flesh, seeking to feather your own nest in this life, you are not on the LordÕs side. "For they that are after the flesh do mind of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit" (Rom. 8:5). People who mind the of the flesh are not born of the Spirit, and people [Page 111] who are born of the Spirit do not mind the things of the flesh. To be on the Lord's side means that our life is to be lived for the glory of God and the benefit of others and not the gratification of ourselves.

Divine love will knit your heart to the word (Bible). People who have divine love in the heart have a desire to read the word of God and a love for it that nothing can separate them. Whatever the word teaches and stands for that's what you'll teach, stand for, and defend. You will not depart from the word, nor the word depart from you, unless and until divine love leaves your heart. It is impossible to have divine love in your heart and reject the word of God. "He that is of God heareth GodÕs words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God" (John 8:47) . To reject the word of God is an outspoken testimony to the world that you do not have his love in your heart. There may be some of the word you not understand, but you will not reject it or fight against it if divine love abides within. The word and the Spirit agree and if the Spirit abides in your heart, you will agree with the word.

Divine love will knit your heart with the heart of God's people. "Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.... (I John 4:7). "That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love..." (Col. 2:2). These two apostles teach us to love one another. That's pretty hard to do unless there's love in the heart. The Apostle Paul says, "That their (our) hearts might be comforted being knit together in love." I don't know anything more comforting to the heart than to experience Spirit and love of God knitting your heart with that of your brother or sister in the Lord. It's easy to love the [Page 112] brethren if divine love has knit our hearts together, and we'll not go about talking about our brethren if we love them. We don't talk about ourselves very much, and if we love our brother as our own soul, we'll not talk about him very much. This love becomes so entwined about our hearts that if one member suffers, it affects all the members, and they too will suffer. This is God s plan of uniting his people together. Divine love in the hearts, would put an end to all schism, division, wrangling, strife, and back-biting among so-called Christian people an create a working force for God and righteousness that would cause the strongholds of Satan to tremble. God give us more and more of this love in our own heart. It will create a society where love and peace abound; it will cause us to bear long and have patience with one another; it will cause us to love God supremely; it will cause us to love the souls of lost humanity and to surrender our lives in service that they may be rescued. Do you have this love in your heart, dear reader? Have you forsaken all sin and given your heart and life unreservedly to God? Have you been born of the Spirit, and are you walking holy before him who shall be your judge so day? Many folk are floundering around in nominal religion and have never taken a definite stand for God and his truth and will miss heaven in the end. if you're in this category, you need to kneel before God and seek a definite experience of salvation and take a definite stand on the Lord's side and declare your position before the world. Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

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"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (I Tim. 4: 1) - In this text of scripture we have one of the most solemn warnings ever issued to Christian people--especially to us who live today. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith." This departure, he said, would take place in latter times. These days which we live are surely the last days or latter times. The dispensation of the gospel reaches from the cross of Calvary unto the second coming of Jesus, the end of the world, the judgment day, and the beginning of eternity, and we are living in that day. So this warning is especially designated for us today.

As I associate with people in the daily pursuits of life, I find the general idea prevailing among them is that every individual has the privilege of choosing any kind or brand of religion he chooses, they are all right and will take us to heaven. This idea prevailing creates a sad condition in regard to the welfare of the souls of men. It does not harmonize with the teachings of the Bible and will be the cause of many souls being lost in eternity. Beloved, if every individual has the privilege of choosing one of a multiplicity of religions how can we interpret the warning issued by the Spirit in our text? The Spirit said, "Some shall depart from the faith." He designates something definite when he says, "the faith." So often we hear of, or read about, the different faiths in the religious world, but [114] according to God's word there is only one faith. "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, ONE FAITH, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Eph. 4:4-6). In this scripture we are definitely there is only one faith, and it is by and through this faith that all men are saved. There is no such thing as different faiths in the eyes of God. If we are saved, we are saved by and through the same faith other people are saved, because there is only one faith. The Spirit warns in our text that some shall depart from the faith. When a person departs from this ONE FAITH and chooses another religion, he has been seduced by a false spirit from Satan and is lost. I would to God the great multitudes could grasp the truth concerning this very high thing and realize that God only has one kind of religion, and all others are false.' If we fail to take heed to this warning of the Spirit and depart from the faith of the gospel, we will lose our soul in eternity.

Man is a two-fold being and has somewhat to do with two worlds. He possesses a natural body and has to with the natural world. He exists on natural food a performs manual labor which pertains to things natural. Also he possesses a spirit and has to do with the Spirit world. "But there is a spirit in man; and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding" (Job .32:8). "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it" (Eccl. 12:7). So we see man is a dual being and deals with the natural world and also the spirit world. Of course, it overlaps into the natural man, or shall I say, it has its demonstration in the physical man. The kind of spirit within a [115] man will determine the quality of conduct. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what kind of religion we associate with lest we be led astray by a seducing spirit.

Sin has defiled and contaminated the spirit which was placed in man in the beginning. God created Adam and Eve in his own image. This does not refer to the physical man but the spirit which is within him, for God is a spirit. The spirit which was placed in Adam and Eve was pure, holy, upright, insomuch that they could associate with and fellowship God, who is a spirit, and who is holy and pure. But when sin came into their hearts through eating of the forbidden fruit, their spirits became defiled and contaminated, and they could no longer fellowship God, but were driven from the garden. God will not fellowship those who live in sin because their spirits are defiled, and he cannot fellowship that which is unclean in spirit. In the 51st Psalm we hear David praying for forgiveness. He has committed sin, and now it's before his face continually. "Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness; according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions; and my sin is ever before me." It is with this attitude only that a sinner may approach God and find deliverance from his transgressions. David prays on, "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." What has happened to David? He has sinned and is praying to God to blot out all his iniquities, and to create within him [116] a clean heart and renew a right spirit within. The sin he has committed has defiled his heart and the spirit within and only the God of heaven can cleanse the heart and purify the spirit. The very same condition exists in every sinner. Sin defiles and contaminates the heart and spirit within man and not just any religion of his choosing can cleanse the heart and renew a right spirit within him. There is only one religion in the world that can do it, and that's the religion of Jesus Christ. The true for every religion is the basic test of experience. A religion that cannot cleanse the heart and renew a right spirit within man and produce a holy life is not worthy name religion. We must confess that most religions break down on this point and must be classified as inadequate. How grateful we should be that God has provided a religion through the death of his dear Son that does cleanse the heart and renew the right spirit us. He made a promise back in Ezek. 36:25-27. ÒThen will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean; from all your filthiness, and from all your idols will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." God says here that he will cleanse us from all our filthiness, all our idols, a put a new heart and a new spirit within. There is only one way for God to perform this divine operation on you, sinner friend, and that is for you to forsake your sin and confess them before God and ask forgiveness and Òbe born of the Spirit of God." This is THE FAITH from which [117] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

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many are departing today. This is the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ from which so many have erred and been led by seducing spirits. The price seems too great to pay. Men love their filthiness, they love their sins, their hearts are attached to their idols; and they're not willing to forsake them and confess them before God and live holy in this life. But it's holiness in this life or hell in next one. When men hear the gospel preached and the requirements of God, then comes along a seducing spirit and says, "You can get religion cheaper than that.Ó They are more than glad to hear that voice, so they immediately give heed to that seducing spirit and choose a religion that doesn't demand anything of them. This is where many are departing from THE FAITH and giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.

In John the fourth chapter we have an account of Jesus' conversation with the woman of Samaria at the well. In verses 23 and 24 we read these words, "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Jesus states that the true worshipers shall worship God in spirit and in truth, and that the Father seeketh such to worship him. Notice he said the TRUE worshipers. There are multitudes who worship God in vain. They worship him with their lips but their hearts are far from him; they have given heed to a seducing spirit , yet they have their religion. Beloved, you can have any kind of religion you want, but you cannot be a true worshiper of God unless you worship him in spirit and in [118] truth until your heart has been cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus and a right spirit renewed within you. People who have decided to choose a cheap religion still have the defilement of sin in their hearts; their spirits still defiled and contaminated with that sin and unfit for fellowship with God; therefore all their worship is in vain. You cannot worship God acceptably unless you have had a change of heart. This modern hand-shaking, church joining pledge-making religion does not and cannot produce changed hearts and lives; therefore it is worthless. Unless you have forsaken your sins and repented of them before God and been born of the Spirit, you are still defiled in heart and spirit and in the kingdom of darkness— a lost soul, bewitched, deceived-and misled by seducing spirits. A religion that teaches you can worship God acceptably without being born of the Spirit is motivated and kept alive by a seducing spirit of Satan. The warning issued by the Spirit in our text needs to be reckoned with and caution needs to be taken lest we be led away from the plain teachings of God's word. Dear ones, God is anxious to save everyone who will come unto him by Jesus Christ. He is able to save you to the most and give you power to live a righteous and holy life while here on this earth and be received up into heaven in the end. This he will require of all men. "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" (Col. 2:8). Many false prophets have gone out deceiving the multitudes, and many seducing spirits are lurking along the way of life to lead you astray. Beware! Simply trust in God and obey his word and give no heed to anyone [119] or any spirit that would lead you away.

It is a true fact that many are departing from the faith once delivered to the saints. Now I want to deal with part of our text: "giving heed to seducing spirits." As I think seriously on this statement, it almost makes me tremble with fear. The danger is always present of giving heed to a false spirit that will mislead you. Therefore, it's no wonder the Spirit spoke expressly concerning it. I meet many folks along the way of life who seemingly never give any earnest heed to this warning. They are willing to listen to and even fellowship any spirit which comes within their presence. We must be very cautious of the spirit we embrace and fellowship, knowing that there is one true Spirit of God, and all others will seduce you. They are set for the destruction of souls.

If it were possible to pull the curtain back and look the spirit world with our natural eyes, we would see practically every deceiving, unclean spirit imaginable. These spirits are lurking along the way of life, seeking souls who will listen to them that they may seduce them and drag them to destruction. The Apostle Peter says, ÒBut there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of Ò (II Peter 2:1-2). And with every false prophet that goes out there is a false spirit accompanying him. All religious organizations who have erred from the faith of the gospel have a false spirit accompanying them , and people who embrace that [120] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

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religion will eventually imbibe the same spirit. It's the work of Satan to send out false spirits in the name of relegion to seduce people, and the human ecclesiastical organizations are the products of these spirits. It behooves every one of us to be on our guard against any spirit that would seduce or lead away from the gospel. We must take john's advice on this matter. He said, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they be of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (I john 4: 1). It becomes all-important that we be able to distinguish between a true prophet of God and a false one. You are safe to use the Word of God as a test for any prophet or any spirit. A false prophet and a false spirit will not agree with the Word: whereas, the true Spirit is the spirit of truth and will guide you into ALL truth (John 16:13). It will agree with the Word on all points of doctrine.

Satan is a deceiver, and he works through the medium of false spirits, visiting the heart, pretending to be right spirit. Paul says, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness" (II Cor. 11: 14-15). Satan sends his ministers out just as God sends some. He has his religions just as God has one. The minister of Satan will be accompanied by a false spirit; and the two will work havoc among the people who think any kind or brand of religion will suffice. These people become easy victims to a false spirit because it can pawn anything off on them. Satan is definitely working through the reliigions of the earth in seducing millions.

Today we have certain forms of worship and certain [121] religions that are based on ancient witchcraft, idol worship, heathenism, and are motivated and kept alive by false spirits transformed into angels of light. Satan has dressed it up in a religious garb, and multitudes accept it without question. Modern spiritualism is nothing more revival of ancient sorcery or necromancy. It is a religion built upon the practice of communicating with beings claming to be the spirits of departed ones. The present day "faith doctors", who mumble a few words and make a pass or two with the hands over the sick and they're supposed to be healed, are nothing but witchery. The fakers or quacks, such as the so-called Christian science healers with their "hocus pocus" maneuvers, are but a revival of the ancient enchanter. It is neither Christian nor science. It has nothing in common with the Bible concerning divine healing. The Bible teaches that we should anoint the sick with oil in the name of the Lord and pray over them, and the Lord will heal them by his power. There are still other groups and practitioners who are supposed to be able to heal the sick with their magic formulas but are nothing short of the work of Satan. The Roman Catholic Church with her deification of the dead and worshipping of the virgin Mary is nothing but a continuation of heathenism and idolatry. This very form of teaching and form of worship forms the cornerstone of ancient heathenism. The gods of the heathen were believed to be deified spirits of departed heroes. Thus the religion of the heathen was a worship, of the dead, and so is much of our present day religion and is contrary to the word of God. There are great bodies of religious people today whose entire religious belief is based upon the fact that some years ago some [122] man had a vision or dream that is supposed to have been from the Lord but in reality was the work of a seducing spirit from Satan. That religious body will stake confidence in the words of the founder of that religion, than they will in God's word. This is conclusive proof that they have been seduced by a false spirit. Beloved, God's word is final authority on any subject, and if our religious beliefs do not harmonize with it, we must conclude the devil has pawned something counterfeit on us. Satan has been able to put such an attractive religious garb on many of these things, sending such deception with it, that it has and is deceiving millions. Perhaps you will say, ÒWhy mention other religions?" How can we hold our peace when the Spirit is crying out in our soul to warn men against the thing that is seducing them a dragging their souls to hell? When people have adopt a form of worship or teachings which are contrary to the word of God, it is evident they have been seduced by a false spirit. The danger is ever near each of us; therefore, we should cling close to the Word and to God with a willingness in our hearts to be led by the Holy Spirit. Millions of earth have what they term "their religion" will go on through life with it and be lost in eternity.

Also there are many other people who do not bother with any kind of religion but go to visit the palmist, the spirit medium, or the fortune teller. And some suppose-to-be Christians visit these devil-dens too. The people who practice this fortune telling and conferring with familiar spirits are definitely of the devil, and those who patronize them are subject to receive a devilish spirit from them. Are you not aware of the fact that this is one of the reasons King Saul was destroyed of God and lost [123] soul? "So Saul died for his transgressions which he committed against the Lord, even against the word of the Lord, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit to inquire of it; and inquired not of the Lord: therefore he slew him and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse" (I Chron. 10: 13-14). God outlawed such things as these centuries ago. Even in Israel's day he forbade them to have any dealings with such persons but that they were to be destroyed from their midst. "There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord,.." (Deut. 18:10-12). So many people do not realize the grave danger of trifling with such persons. You are not only dealing with an individual but also with a devilish spirit that may take hold of your heart, and you may never be able to be freed from it. It's a terrible thing to come under the power of an unclean spirit. God has warned us in his Word, lest we be taken unawares, but if we ignore his warnings we may be seduced by any kind of a spirit.

Satan is arrayed in a battle against God, and the souls of men are at stake. This battle is being fought in the spirit world (a spiritual battle) , or in the hearts of men and women. Satan is set for the destruction of every soul he can destroy, and his most effective method is to transform himself into an angel of light and send a false spirit to the heart under pretensions of being the right spirit. But on the other hand, God has provided a [124] wonderful plan of salvation whereby we may all be saved from sin, be born of the Spirit, and subsequent to that experience be filled with the Holy Ghost. God is a spirit. He is pure, holy, righteous, and desires all men to serve him and has sent his Spirit, which is the Spirit of truth, to abide in the hearts of his true children. "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth..." (John 16:13). The Spirit of truth is the only spirit that will teach you the things of God, but if you give heed to any other spirit, it is false; and you are subject to be deceived and lose your own soul. Learn to resist and rebuke every spirit that endeavors to lead you contrary to the simple teachings of the Bible. Many people many spirits will tell you that we're living in a modern age, and the Bible doesn't mean what we use think it did, but BEWARE. Don't accept any spirit because it seems to be a religious spirit, but try it by Word. Satan has his religions, and every one of them is animated by a false, deceptive spirit. Take heed to the warning, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits." [125] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

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"He that is not with me is against me; and he gathereth not with me scattereth abroad" (Matt. 12:30) In the above statement Jesus forever destroys the idea that we can occupy a neutral position of being a Christian and of serving him. He states emphatically that we are either with him or against him; we're either gathering [125] for him or scattering abroad. Walking with Jesus demands a whole-hearted decision that stubbornly resists all foes. The enemy does not insist that you make a decision against Christ, but merely remain in a state of indecision; for he knows if you are undecided you are still on his territory. This is where many people have lost themselves spiritually; they have hesitated to make a definite decision for Christ and his gospel and are wandering around in a daze. A definite decision for Christ is the only hope of our spiritual well-being, and it means to suffer reproach and persecution.

We have reached the critical era of time when very few are willing to make a definite decision for Christ and suffer the reproach that necessarily goes with the gospel. Were it possible to accept Christ and all the glory that goes with fellowship with him without receiving many persecutions or reproach, there would be many more serving him. But to accept Christ means to suffer persecution. Paul in speaking to Timothy, cautions him of perilous times that should come and folk would have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. He continued by saying, "Thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity, patience, persecutions, and afflictions which came unto me. "Yea, and ALL that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Sufferings and persecutions naturally accompany godly living, because of the antagonistic spirit in the world; "but I'm persuaded that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us." When Jesus shall appear to be glorified in his saints, all the sufferings, persecutions and the reproach of the gospel will fade into oblivion.[126] But we need to recognize that to enjoy this glory on the last day and to be received into the presence of God for eternity, there is a price we must pay, and that price is the price of suffering for the sake of Jesus. In II Tim. 2:12 we read. "If we suffer... we shall also reign with him.Ó Too many times the Christian life and the gospel is presented to folk as a robe that may be put on at their convenience without any interruption to their every-day living, that we should just add Christ to our life and continue on as we've been living. Too much time is spent trying to harmonize the gospel and Christian living with the ways of the world. It seems we're too much interested in trying to present Christ to people in such that they can accept him and not suffer the reproach of the cross or the disapproval of the world. Beloved, we must present Christ to people as the Christ of Bible, the one who was rejected by the world and nailed to the cross, one who is still rejected by the world; and if received into our hearts and lives, we will be reject the world and will suffer his reproach. We must a definite decision that we are going with him and suffer his reproach gladly. If we fail to make this kind of a decision we are against him as he says in our text. Reader, have you made the decision in your heart to go with Christ, to say good-bye to the world and to sin and walk with Him in this world? It may seem hard for to make such a decision, but the glory that awaits those who make it will far outweigh the sufferings of this life.

Not only does Jesus destroy the idea of a neutral position on the question of being a Christian, but he destroys this "straddle-fence" position after becoming a Christian. By this phrase: "straddle-fence", I mean so [127] many are professors of Jesus and yet are too fearful to commit themselves on a given question, or try to favor two apparently opposite sides of a matter. I'm referring to questions that concern our Christian living and are definitely answered by the scriptures. Of course. there are questions that arise that are left purely to the discretion and wisdom of the individual. But as concerning sin and righteousness the Bible speaks precisely, and we should speak the same way. The need of the hour is definite, precise preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, preaching that will classify men and women as sinners or saints without any question left in their minds. Jesus declares in our text that he that is not with me is against me. If we say we are Christians, then may God give us the backbone to show our colors and not be fearful to commit ourselves, but to stand as Jesus would stand were he here.

We need to make the same request of God that Solomon made in his youth. He asked God to give him an understanding heart to judge Israel and that he might discern between good and bad. God will grant us the same today if we'll ask him for it. If we'll make this request of God and exercise it as he gives it to us, I believe he'll commit to all sufficient discernment to know right from wrong; but as long as we adopt the "straddle-fenceÓ position, we will get nowhere with God, and our influence with the world will be weak. I've attended conventions and ministerial meetings where questions pertaining to Christian living that were definitely answered by the word of God, and many were too fearful their position be known. Truly this is a sad condition when the Israel of God and the watchmen on the [128] walls come to the place where they fail to sound a clear note on the trumpet. This is absolute failure to stand with Christ. We boast of the fact that we have become more tolerant, but in it our glory has become our shame, ashamed of Christ and his word. If we were not ashamed, we would not hesitate to speak, "Thus saith the Lord.Ó If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? This is the thing that has led many honest folk into confusion and later into total darkness. We may fail to give a clear and distinct sound on the trumpet, but in the light of our text we are automatically placing ourselves against Christ. To know his teachings (and we have no excuse for ignorance) against sin and ungodliness and then fail to stand up for them is to fail in our faithfulness to Christ.

On occasions such as mentioned above, when are too fearful to commit themselves, is a time when many sell out to the enemy of their souls. The reason for not committing themselves is found in a man-fearing spirit. Some say, "if I commit myself, someone will not agree with me, and I may lose their friendship.Ó Surely reason is right, for all men will not agree with the word of God; and if you stand on it, you will lose many friends. But is not the friendship of God more precious than of man? If you fail to stand with Christ and for Christ, then you are against him. Too many are interests in reaching the place where they can enjoy the respect esteem and approbation of man rather than of God. The so-called church has come to the place where she wants to take the reproach out of the cross, the suffering out of Christian living, and present to the world a way of ease and pleasure in the name of Christ. She is somewhat like [129] little boy who ran out in front of the band to act as drum major. Twirling his stick as he marched along, he watched carefully at each street corner to see which way band would turn so he might go the same way. Shall as the professed people of God, be to the world as the little boy was to the band? No! let's be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Quit you like men and be strong. We must be men who are moved by the leadings of God, men who have completely given ourselves to God and will die for the gospel message. The early apostles were this kind of men. Neither would they flinch even under cruel lashings and imprisonments. They ceased not to declare the teachings of Jesus even though the magistrates forbade them to do it and answered, "For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." Could it be the professed Christian world has not seen or heard anything? Peter and John had seen something and heard something that meant more to them than life. Are we so in love with Jesus and his gospel that we will suffer for it? To be a Christian and to be assured a place in heaven means to make a definite decision for Christ and go out to live for him and stand up for him on all occasions. Regardless of what the consequences may be or the friendships involved, we must take our stand for Jesus and his doctrine. "He that is not with me is against me; and he gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." [130] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]

Note: In the caption of this article I have use word "man", and also throughout the article itself. This does not mean I do not believe in women preachers. I do believe God calls both men and women.

"Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, IF YE CAN FIND A MAN, if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth; and I will pardon it" (Jer. 5:1). Even though these words were penned by one of God's prophets centuries ago, they are strangely modern. The crying need in every age has been for men, not merely the male of the human species, but men in whom are incarnate those virtues of sagacity, sobriety, integrity, those virtues we usually associate the concept of real manhood. Surely in this day the moral fabric of mankind is being tested to the severest point, we need real men to take the helm and guide us on. God give us men whose hearts are strong with faith in God, men with willing hands to work, men are willing to risk their position, their influence, their name, and even their life, for the sake of truth and uprightness; men whom the lust of office will not kill and the spoils of office cannot buy. Give us men opinions and convictions based on "thus saith the Lord,Ò and a will to see justice awakened, men who will stand before a sin-benighted world and expose her treacherous, ungodly deeds without fear or favor, men who can say Òthus saith the Lord" without flinching, men with character, men with spotless lives, men in touch with God. Yes, beloved, [131] this is the need of our day as well as in the day Jeremiah.

Now may I call your attention to the portion of scripture found in Ezek. 22:23-31- It would be well for you to stop right now and read these words from your Bible. IÕll not record them here for lack of space. In this passage of scripture God declares there was a conspiracy of the prophets in the midst of Israel. The men who were standing guard on Israel's walls were giving the trumpet such an uncertain sound that the people were unaware the enemy was at the gate. Furthermore, he declares in verse 26 that the priests have lost the power of moral discrimination. They have put no difference between the holy and the profane, neither showed any difference between the unclean and the clean. The Lord further indicts them with Sabbath desecration and finally asserts that the prophets have daubed them with untempered mortar, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them. What defilement could be more serious or degrading than that which God charges Israel? She is found here in a state of moral degradation, and the prophets and the priests are charged with the responsibility. Practically the same call we read in Jer. 5:1 is found in verse 30 of this passage of scripture. "And I sought for a man among that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none." It's a sad condition indeed when God seeks for a man to make up the hedge (a barrier between holy and profane) and finds none.

These scathing words of denunciation apply in our present day as well as in the days of Ezekiel. The prophets of our days have entered into a conspiracy of silence [132] in respect to the sinfulness of sin. One rarely hears solemn words, "Thou shalt not," sounded -from our pulpits, and as a result of this silence, sin stalks boldly into the fore ranks clad only in a thin veneer of profession. We find many lustful, covetous, greedy hearts with a profession of religion, and the preacher hasn't enough God in his heart to expose sin for fear his bread and butter will be cut off. God give us men filled with fear of God. Too many preachers have reasoned in their own minds that every individual has a conscience of his own to tell him how far to go into sin. Preacher, this reasoning does not deliver you from the responsibility of delivering the word of God to eternity-bound souls. You are to cry out against sin, as Isaiah tells you (Isa. 58:1): "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins." If you fail to do this and enter into a conspiracy of silence, or spare one Agag, you'll be lost forever. God also declares in verse 26 the priests have put no difference between the holy and the profane neither have they showed the difference between the unclean and the clean. This is also a failure of our present day ministry. The ministry has failed in its preaching to draw a visible line of distinction between sin and righteousness. The so-called churches of our day do not command the respect of God-loving people because have so lowered themselves as to put no difference between the holy and profane. Nominal churchanity long ago lost the vision of its duty before God and humanity, having been perverted from a body of God-fearing people into a body of pleasure-lovers. The church buildings have been partially converted into halls of amusement.[133] Their basements have become in many instances recreational centers to entertain the people. And so goes churchanity while the souls of men are bound in the galling yoke of sin and headed for eternal damnation. How sad to think a preacher and his congregation have lost the power of moral discrimination. They are no longer able discern the difference between the holy and the profane; such is the case today with many. Men who at one time cried out against sin have been silenced by the subtle forces of compromise. At one time they discerned the difference between the holy and the profane but now have lost power of discernment. God give us men in the pulpit who have cherished and preserved this God-given power discernment and who are not afraid to exercise it. The true minister of God and the true church of God still have that power of discernment and are still drawing the line between sin and righteousness that all who desire may see. When any minister or church fails to draw this line they soon lose their hold on God and his truth and apostatize.

The preacher must be a MAN. He must be a "twice bornÓ man, born of the Spirit of God, a man who has experienced the redeeming, cleansing, pardoning love of God, and has tasted the powers of the world to come. He must be a man who has experienced the sanctifying, power of the Holy Spirit and realizes the abiding presence of the Spirit. He must have a genuine experience with God before he is qualified to receive a call to the ministry.

The preacher must be a CALLED MAN and a SENT MAN. The ministry of God's word is not a profession that men may enter if they so desire. Many have entered the [134] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]
GOD'S MAN (cont.)

ministry as a vocation in life, just as they would the medical or any other profession, and they have been miserable failures in God's eyes. They have failed to make any discrimination between the holy and the profane, and so they have been of no benefit to humanity. There is no responsibility so great as that resting upon the man God calls to preach his word to a gainsaying world. Let no man enter this field unless he is certain of a call from God; then may he give all diligence to that call and no be guilty of trifling. Many have entered the ministry without a call, thinking it a good vocation for life an easy way to make a livelihood, therefore we have so much passionless preaching. The idea has been expressed to me that preaching is no more than public speaking. This again gives us the answer as to why there is so, much passionless preaching. God's man will have a deep inwrought heart-concern for souls, such as was expressed by Moses while pleading with God in behalf of Israel. He requested God to blot his name out of his book if he would not forgive Israel. Also we see the burden Paul carried for his kinfolk as expressed in his own words: ÒI could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh." It is when the preacher has this heart-concern about the souls of men that his preaching will amount to very much toward the salvation of souls. The audience will not feel more deeply concerned about the subject at hand than the preacher feels; and if the ministry means no more to the man in the pulpit than public speaking, he would be a thousand times better off in the business world. God often refers in his word to his servants (ministers) as his refers in his Òmessengers.Ó I may be possible for an individual to polish [135] the intellect so as to have the ability to build sermons homiletically, logically and even scripturally, but only the man who is "called and sent of God" can deliver God's message. GodÕs man doesn't build the sermon, he merely delivers it. HE IS GOD'S MESSENGER. The true prophets of old had much to say about the "burden of the word of the LordÓ and they proved their sense of their solemn responsibility by faithfully delivering the same. "Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!" (Ezek. 13:3). Such prophets as are spoken of here are not very likely to deliver God's message, neither to have the burden of the word of the Lord upon their heart. They are following their own spirit, listening to their own reasoning; hence their messages are not weighted with the Spirit of God.

God's man is a Holy Ghost filled man. The Apostles of Jesus had the wonderful privilege of associating with him personally for approximately three-and-a-half years. They sat at his feet and learned of him; they saw the mighty miracles he performed; they beheld the elements obey his word; yet just before he ascended back to heaven he told them not to depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father. This was the promise of the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew these men were not ready to face the pagan world with his gospel without the infilling of the Spirit of God. Neither is any man capable of delivering God's message today without first becoming acquainted with God and his message and being filled with the Spirit. God's preachers are Holy Ghost filled. It is unthinkable that a man "anointed with the Spirit of God" to preach the gospel would be passionless, formal, professional, or that he would engage in the ministry as he [136] would any other profession in life. If the ministry as whole would tarry before God until they were endowed with the power of the Holy Ghost there would not be much spiritless, hodgepodge preaching, and men would be pricked in their hearts and cry out as of old, "What must I do to be saved?"

God's man has been delivered from the fear of the people, and when God tells him to deliver a message, all men look alike. He is no respecter of persons, he fears no man. There are far too many men in the pulpit today who are being governed . There are far too many men in the pulpit today who are being governed and silenced by some individual or group of individuals or by some organization. They have not sensed the fact that some day they must answer to God for the deceitful way in which they handled the word. When God calls a man to the ministry he expects that man to be a channel through which he can get any message he desires to the people. If the fear of people takes hold of this man, he becomes useless in God's hands. Many preachers remind me of the story I read about the little boy leading the band down the street. He was using a stick as a baton, and he was strutting along ahead of the band, but at every street corner he would glance back over his shoulder to see which way the band was going to turn. This same policy is being used by many preachers. They want to take the pulse of hte church on a given issue before they commit themselves. They want to know what the people desire so they can do their best to give it to them. God give us men in the pulpit who have been delivered from the fear of the people, men who will go into prayer before God for a message for the people, and when it is given theyÕll deliver it, even though it does expose the hypocritical [137] profession of a board member or a liberal giver, men who will get their bearings from God and will stand upon his word and preach it regardless of the pulse of the church or the rest of the world.

God's man relies upon his Lord and Master. He has faith and confidence in him who hath called him, and is persuaded that Christ is able to keep that which has been committed to him against that day. Of course, there will be many discouraging events along the way, times when it seems all has failed, times, perhaps, when he'll feel like Elijah did at one time; yet if he is God's man, he'll not resort to worldly policies or petty chicanery to carry on. His trust is anchored in the word of God, which shall never pass away, neither shall it fail to accomplish the purpose for which God has sent it. The full evidence of his call from God is found in the fact that he relies entirely upon the power of faith and denounces all the tricks of diplomacy and compromise. All "string-pulling" ceases, and he rests his case in God's hands and upon the fact that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the true word of God.

Brother preacher, are you really God's man or merely a tool being used by some organization to promote its godless policies? Are you living in touch with him who some day shall judge you according to your works? The sermons you preach from Sunday to Sunday—are they God's messages to a sin-cursed world bound for eternal damnation? Are you fully aware of the fact that you must give account to God for every sermon you preach and for every one he wants you to preach and you fail or refuse to do it? Dare any man step into the pulpit and pose as a preacher of righteousness unless he is called of God [138] and belongs ENTIRELY T0 HIM? It is a solemn thing to assume the responsibility of being God's messenger. Take heed that you be faithful to the trust that he has put in you. "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine," so that someday you may wear a crown of life with the true and faithful in heaven. May God bless and encourage the heart of every man and woman who has been called of God to the ministry of his word. [139] Church of God, Carmichael, CA
The Weight of the Word

Harold Barber, January 3, 1949
Reprints: December 1953, December 1978

[Original Page Numbers]


"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" (Col. 2:8). In the verses preceding this the apostle exhorts us to be "rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith and as ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him." If this exhortation is received and obeyed, we will be safeguarded against the philosophies of men, their vain deceit, and also the rudiments of the world. To be rooted and built up in Christ, in whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, is the only safeguard against the false teachers who have gone out into the world to deceive. As there were false prophets among the people, so shall there be false teachers among us today. Satan is bent on the destruction of every soul; and if he can work through a wolf in sheep's clothing to capture your soul, he has accomplished his desire. If he can send one of his prophets along who can beguile you with enticing words and [139] lead you away from the simple teachings of Christ, he has gained your soul. Let us give heed to the Apostle's exhortation. The words of our text might be better understood if we quote them from Weymouth's translation of the New Testament. "Take care lest there be any one who leads you away as prisoners by means of his philosophy and idle fancies, following human traditions and the world's crude notions instead of following Christ" (Weymouth).

There has always been, and are yet today, many voices clamoring for attention, men with idle fancies and petty notions to offer mankind, men with the spirit of pre-eminence and desire to lead others. And it is through this kind of men that Satan has open channel to deceive many. Almost everyone at some time in life faces the questions: where shall I live after this life is over? I realize I must die, but after death where shall I live? Pondering these questions in mind, they become fruitful subjects on which false teachers may work, and many are led away prisoners to the philosophy and vain deceit of men and are forever SPOILED. Their minds are bound by the traditions of men and the crude notions of this world, and they are spoiled to the teachings of Jesus. Many good honest people have fallen victim to the idle fancies of men and are following the crude notions of this world instead of following Christ.

The question that is most common in the mind of those pondering the hereafter is, "What shall I do?" or, "What must I do to be saved?" Many sincere, good-meaning people, groping in sin and darkness, are asking this question. As soon as it is asked, there are legions who come forth with an answer. Some say join church, or sign [140] a card, make a pledge to do better, shake hands with preacher, be baptized, be confirmed, take instructions to be a Catholic, do penance, or some other thing. Beloved, it is of these things that Paul cautions us to beware, lest we be spoiled by the philosophy of man. These answers are after the traditions of men and are the vain, crude notions of the world. Men who adhere to these things and depend upon them saving their souls will be lost for all eternity. Oh! the need of preaching the pure gospel of Christ in our darkened world today. Men are blundering their way along through this life, ignorant of the teachings of God's word. They have been spoiled by the vain deceit of men and are led about as prisoners by the enticing words of men. Paul says in Romans, " For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall saved." "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard?" Here lies the great reason why so many folk believe not—how can they believe on him of whom they have not heard? Those who are called of God to preach the gospel need to herald the message of salvation and tell the world of the power of the blood of Jesus to save from all sin. Too much time is spent dealing with old wives' fables and genealogies that only gender strife which disrupts the workings of the Spirit. Too many have the desire to be an outstanding theologian rather than a message-bearer for God. The preacher should be able to say, "Hear the burden of the word of the Lord," and then in his preaching convince the people he has the burden of the Lord resting upon his heart.

Let's go to the Bible for an answer to the question ÒWhat must I do to be saved?" This same question was [141] asked on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:37-38) . After Peter had preached that memorable sermon and the Holy Spirit had pricked the hearts of the listeners with conviction they cried, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" The thing that prompted this question was the presence of the Holy Spirit in convicting power and the burden of sin resting on their hearts. They realized their guilt before God and asked what they should do. Peter answered their question by saying. "REPENT, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins." This was God's answer to their inquiry on the day of Pentecost and is GodÕs answer to that question today. Jesus called his twelve apostles to him and commissioned them and sent them out to preach. "And they went out, and preached that men should repent" (Mark 6:12). Paul preached repentance at MarsÕ Hill (Acts 17:30). "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent." If you have not already repented, you are commanded to repent and forsake sin that your sins may be blotted out. God has promised to blot them out if you'll repent. Regardless of the good resolutions you make, all the cards you sign, the preachers' hands you shake, the churches you join, the confirmation classes you attend, or the instructions you take from the Catholic priest, your sins are still standing before God and will, until you come to him, forsaking and repenting of them. You may seek salvation in other ways, but Peter declares, "There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). Jesus died on Calvary for our sins; he paid our debt: he took our place; therefore, we should be glad to come humbly to him and [142] ask him to have mercy on us and pardon us from sins. Beloved, this is the only way to heaven; this is the starting point.

These are God's requirements for us today, and we must meet them if we save our souls. Reader, beware lest some friend or teacher or even preacher lead you away by his philosophy and vain deceit and spoil your mind against the pure teachings of Christ, making you a prisoner to his idle fancies and crude notions, saying you don't have repent or forsake sin. Jesus said if ye die in your sins, where I am ye cannot come. Again he says, "He that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day" (John 12:48). Therefore let us take warning from the exhortation of the Apostle Paul and beware lest any man spoil us with his philosophy and vain deceit. [143]

--- END ---

The Purpose of the Church of God is to spread and
establish the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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The Church of God!
Justification, Sanctification, Unity
Carmichael, California USA

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