Thursday, February 3, 2011

Melot Missionary Report

Melot Missionary Report

(Faith & Victory : March 1975)

Okla. (Feb. 11)- To all the saints of God scattered abroad: Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. The Church of God in Nigeria sends you greetings.

I thank God that through Jesus Christ I have been washed in His blood, have been sanctified by His power, and am wholly His. Praise God!

The last few weeks have been a fulfilling of my long desire and burden of going to Nigeria. God wonderfully opened the way, gave me courage and assurance, and I report to you that I have been perfectly well the whole trip. All praises to God! Notwithstanding, Satan tried various means to discourage me, but we are more than conquerors thru Jesus. I felt the prayers of the saints holding me up before God. I was free from worry and disease. I appreciate very much every prayer and letter of encouragement.

We visited about 24 congregations in three States, and needless to say, not everyone is hungry for the truth. We visited every congregation in S. E. State, and they were very happy. I received offerings of live chickens (no refrigeration), fruit and miscellaneous gifts. Their love to me was very warm and I love them so much. They never ceased to make me comfortable, and many would walk or ride a bicycle up to 50 miles round trip to see us.

One instance of healing I will relate. A mother with an afflicted girl of about 12 years of age came to stay until God healed her. She was becoming paralyzed on one side, and was mumbling and hitting and rubbing her head. We prayed earnestly and felt God heard us; however, she didn't show signs of relief. They weren't going home until God healed the child, so I had no one to call on but God. Many times, we want to rely on someone else, and never actually have to stand alone and get a hold on God ourselves. The Lord showed me the problem and I corrected it, and received assurance, that she was healed. In fact, in four days she was completely back to normal.

I saw such simple faith in Nigeria. I asked them if they believed Jesus would heal them, and they stated flatly, "I believe." Many were the healings I witnessed, and God alone gets the glory.

I read old "Faith and Victory" papers of our dear Bro. David Madden who died after being in Nigeria, of Sis. Opal Wilson's work and death, of Bro. Ostis Wilson's return and his Bible lessons, and of Bro. and Sis. Cecil Carver's trip. I thought of all the ones who have gone on since 1962, and how the mantle has fallen on younger workers. Are the young workers going to carry on the same truth, faith, and teachings of those that have died in the faith? Then you had better put your whole heart and life into it as they did. You had better be willing to step out by faith and leave all if God calls you.

I see a real lack of dedicated gospel workers, and I speak this with love in my heart for your soul. I have been wanting to say these things for a long time and I asked God to help me write this. I say we have had it too easy, and may God stir up our hearts to a greater burden for His work. It may be that a depression is good for us. That job, car, and home you are putting your life into may disappear. Where are your affections?

Do you bemoan and belittle the ministers of today, and wonder why we don't see more healings and miracles? If so, why aren't you doing more about it? Paul said in Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ." Are you? Verse 17 says, 'The just shall live by faith." Are you? Luke 9:62, "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." How many have started out with zeal and enthusiasm, and put the hand to the plow and then looked back? Oh, dear young people, this is a solemn warning. Have you vowed a vow and not kept it? Read Luke 10:2, 'The harvest truly is great." Read of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:40. Martha was cumbered about much serving; however, Mary sat at Jesus' feet and heard His Word. This is the needful part. Sit at Jesus' feet. Let His Word live in you. Humble yourself; listen quietly and attentively for that still small voice. Leave the rush of this mad world to be alone with God. It is your responsibility to learn of His will for you, to seek after Him, to yield fully unto Him. Will you do it? Is sanctification just a word to you? Are you really filled with the Holy Ghost? I challenge you, "I beseech you, dearly beloved, as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul."

Now, back to Nigeria. From S. E. State, we traveled by car to Midwest State, where Bro. Titus Enu is pastoring. The day before we left, the refinery shut down and gasoline virtually disappeared in our section of the country. But glory to God who knows the future, He had an officer in the army from Asana, who was only visiting three days, to stay an extra four days, to carry us the 280 miles to Midwest State. We couldn't get gas and he only had three gallon when we started out. To make a long story short, we were able to purchase gas and arrive ahead of time. He wouldn't take any payment. Gas was selling for up to $3.25, and more, a gallon until the Government cracked down.

I met some wonderful saints in Midwest State. There are three congregations there. We held open air meetings, which proved a real blessing. We would have hundreds around, listening to the gospel. The saints there showed us every kindness and it was with regret that I only had three days there. Bro. Titus Enu is resigning his position next year to work full time in evangelistic work. We rode seven miles one way on bicycles to see one small congregation. Transportation is a real problem.

From there we went by taxi 280 miles to Tombia, an island offshore from Port Harcourt. We traveled the last seven miles by dugout canoe or boat. The saints there were leaping and shouting at our arrival. Oh, the joy they had at seeing the first American missionary to ever come to them. They saw to it that I had every comfort. We had not had personal contact with these people until Oct., 1974, when some native workers visited them from S. E. State. We had open air services here with some new converts, some sanctified, and eight were baptized. We started meetings at 5:30 a. m., and they were so eager for the truth that we would be busy from early morning until late at night.

There is a small congregation in Port Harcourt of dedicated, young believers-about 20 in number. They are spiritual, and go out in open air meetings. I hated to leave Nigeria by this time. However, on Sat., Feb. 8, 1975, I boarded the plane to return home.

Bro. Umanah left his wife and children to spend every day with me. He was very careful for my health and safety. I found him to love and accept more truth. I feel it is needful for one or two from there to come over here, as Bro. John Varghese did. They also expect us to come back soon and stay longer. Lord willing, I would like to apply for a longer visa and return as God leads. I hated to leave, as God had put such a burden on me for that ripe field, and I felt like my job wasn't finished. I wasn't able to go to Spain, but will wait until I have more time. I feel like that country is ready for the gospel. I earnestly request your prayers in behalf of these needy fields.

I will be glad to send on request the most pressing needs of the saints in Nigeria and more details if you so desire.

Yours in His service, -Tom Melot

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