Thursday, February 3, 2011

Missionary Report Update

Missionary Report Update

(Faith & Victory : Nov. 1965)

In a letter dated Sept. 30 from Bro. Nse Umanah, mission secretary in Nigeria, he reports that the presence of Bro. and Sister C. C. Carver among them was very encouraging and that "everybody enjoys them." He is their interpreter, and is concentrating his efforts in serving them in every possible way. For that reason he expressed his regret that he did not have the time to produce the report of the Mission activities for the month of September.

In the same letter he informed us of the physical condition of the mission superintendent, Bro. B. U. Etuk, who had suffered a stroke in his right side the first part of September. In answer to prayer, he is definitely improved, but is not yet "able to write or speak properly." Bro. Nse requested the continued prayers of the church for Bro. Etuk's complete recovery. This is a very urgent request, as he certainly needs a well body in order to direct the mission work.

It became necessary for Bro. Etuk to purchase a new car for the mission work to replace the Volkswagen that was damaged in a recent flood. The new car is a Taunus, a small one built by Ford in West Germany. They still owe about $600.00 on it, and are asking the church to pray that this obligation will be met.

Bro. Ostis Wilson wrote me that in making contacts with many people during the summer he has misplaced the names and addresses of one or two saints who desired to support and sponsor a native minister in Nigeria. Now if any of those have not already had a letter from him about this project, you may know that your address was misplaced and you should contact him about the matter. His address is: Ostis B. Wilson, 12312 Osborne Place, Pacoima, Calif.

No doubt many of our readers have been receiving the mimeographed reports of the Carvers through their son, Lynn, who has been mailing them out to all those who had requested them. This service has been appreciated.

In addition to these reports, we have received three or four very interesting letters directly from them. They have accumulated many varied and strange experiences which they will never forget. Their hearts were touched and moved with compassion, seeing the poverty of the people, and the extreme spiritual darkness that prevailed in that heathen land where millions of people grope in ignorance and superstition.

Oh, who will consecrate to meet the challenge in Nigeria? Right now there is an urgent need for resi­dent missionaries in that great field. Who will answer the call?

Returning from Nigeria at the expiration of their 28-day visa, Bro. and Sister C. C. Carver arrived at Amsterdam in Europe on Oct. 16. Prior to that date we had contacted them in Nigeria about making an extra trip to India on their return home to investigate the promising prospects of opening a mission work in that great field. Bro. Carver felt burdened to answer this "Macedonian" call. They decided that Sister Carver would fly on home from Amsterdam. Accordingly, the two reluctantly parted company there, and she arrived safe and sound at the home of her son near Washington, D. C. on Oct. 18. Soon after arriving there she phoned us expressing her appreciation to the Lord for a safe and prosperous trip by the will of God, and asked us to extend her love and thanks to all the saints for their prayers for them on this missionary trip. She also requests special prayer for Bro. Carver's safety in the long journey to India and return home.

Bro. Carver remained in Amsterdam, and is scheduled to leave there on Oct. 20, by air, bound for Delhi, India. From there he will have to travel several hundred more miles to reach his destination. It is not known how long he will remain in India, but we are asking all the saints to pray that God will give him good success on this special mission, and that those hungry souls who are calling for the gospel will be greatly benefited. We trust that this personal contact will open the door for a permanent mission base from which the whole gospel will be carried to India's millions. Will you pray to that end?

Let us "sow beside all waters" and pray that the gospel message to all the world will not return void. Adversities will come, but "he that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap." EccI. 11 :4. "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." Dan. 12:3. May God help all of us to be faithful in His service.

-Lawrence Pruitt

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